In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 33 - NYC to UK. Last Day!

Cash has lost the wager and his forfeit is to pay for all our food and drink today!
I have washed my clothes and they are now in the dryer. The laundry room is right in the basement and looks like a place where lots of murders take place...

My clothes are dried and packed. I am just doing a bit of Philosophy before I pack away my netbook. I have decided to have a breakfast that I'm not really going to be able to have for a while - a beer and a packet of crisps. I need to shower and we were going to go to the Statue of Liberty but I can't be bothered. It's so far away and I'm planning on wearing layers of clothes on the plane so don't want to sweat my female-balls off. It's the air con - it's soooo cold and you know how much I love my heat!

Our host is kicking us out about 3pm so we have pretty much packed away everything and are just chilling We are also trying to find a place that does dip sandwiches.

I might be able to write some more later, if not, see you all in the UK

Beautiful New York - last evening

Tuesday 27 August 2013

2nd Avenue Deli Food - Matzoh Ball Soup with Kreplach

Day 32 - New York

I get up about 9am and thank you Ali for doing all my car chores! Hope you enjoy Pocahontas.

I need something cold so after I have showered, I walk down to the local McDonalds and get a bit coke and a coffee for Cash, who is still looking a little worse for wear. We need to head out early today to get our things done. We are meeting Neil and Toby later on for dinner and (on account of yesterday) possibly drinks.

Cash has a shower and is changed but then asks if he could have 5mins to rest his head! Haha!! I feel surprisingly fine compared to the morning of the night after July 11th. Groovers will back me up when I say I was hanging out my arsehole on that Friday morning!

Right, more to write about later on.

We go to Target and return our Sat Nav as it wasn't very 'user friendly' and about 50metres in, Cash says 'I'll be right back'. His brown complexion has turned yellow and I think he has gone to vomit! He comes back clutching his stomach and says something along the lines of 'that wasn't good but I feel better and could do with a curry'

We take a dodgy taxi back home, in which the guy has to wind his seatbelt around the arm rest and there is a massive chopping board in the back! WTF?! We safely arrive home, not before the taxi guy tells us not far from where we live there was a drug-related shooting several years ago.

I have a small pounding behind my right eye...hope it doesn't get worse.
After dropping off our shopping, we head for Grand Central Station. When we get to Penn Station, we ask the customer services where do we find the station and they say it's a few blocks, maybe a 10-15mins walk. Cash looks weary and decides to take the S-Shuttle. We race. I win! F*ck yeah!! The light teal/turquoise coloured mural on the wall is beautiful and the station is a buzz with activity. Nowt like London Paddington at all. I then realise that Cash and I have not decided on a place to meet; he is also thinking the same. I walk up and down a bit and eventually, from his high vantage view, he spots me and we head over to Lexington to get a curry.

We walk into a few places that Cash had previously googled and they look disgusting! But eventually we find a nice place on a corner and it is clean. It's actually nice to have some spice. We get served our curries with naan, dal and rice. Cash has the lamb madras - 7.5/10 and I have a chicken vindaloo - 7.5/10.

We then get a cab to Central Park and have a nap for about 25 mins. Utter bliss!

We then get another cab back home as we need to get ready for this evening's festivities. We have a very brief chill time then I shower and out we go to meet Neil and Toby at Southern Hospitality, Justin Timberlake's restaurant on 9th Avenue and 45th Street.
We stop briefly at the Apple Store to check train tickets for our later day and then not realising how far the resturant actually was down 9th ave, get a cab to meet the guys.

At Southern hospitality - I have the prawn sliders -6/10. Mine three little tasters looked much bigger in the picture but were actually the right size after the lunchtime curry for me. Cash has Beef brisket, cheddar cheese grits, tater tots - 7.5/10.
Neil and Toby then take us to a bar terrace of Ink48 hotel called Print Lounge, which overlooks New York. WOW! It'e like I'm in a movie! What a lovely way to end the holiday. After we are done reminiscing, Cash and I walk down to Broadway and 50th street to get our subway train. There are lots of street vendors and artists and lights! Cash gets a pizza slice. I am stuffed. We get to the subway and must be on the hottest subway train back. Am sweating like a mofo. Cash has rubbed chilli flakes into his face from the pizza and is wincing!

Cash reckons he will get up at 6am tomorrow to get all his stuff done. I don't think he will but we place a wager on it. We get home about an hour later and I fall asleep pretty quickly. We needc to pack and do laundry etc tomorrow before catching our 9pm flight back to the UK!

Day 31 - New York

We get up about the same time and plan our food-day. We will start by having someJewish-American food at a place called 2nd avenue deli. We stop off a few blocks away from the place and walk for about an hour or so, again looking at how the different blocks all have a unique character to them.

When we arrive, we are greeted by a little old man, who is soooo cute! We are taken to our table and immediately given some pickled cabbage and carrots - it's really tasty. We are then served by a lady who reminds me of Lina's mum. When we tell what we'd like, she makes sure we get the best value for our money and that we haven't ordered too much. In the end, we settle for a soup and half a sandwich each.

We both have the matzoh ball soup with 2 kreplach and a sandwich consisting of pastrami, brisket, corned beef and salami. It is massive (pics to follow) but so delicious. The soup is a little bland to start but then gradually gets better. I am sooo full and I think they know that it will feel like this as they give us an alka-seltzer and chocolate shot when we have finished to help with the potential indigestion.

We both think we could do with a nap and so think, why not find another film to watch where we can just sit and digest like snakes! We walk around a bit more trying to find yesterday's cinema but a guy on the street suggests a closer one. We eventually find it, having passed Madison Square Garden (it's a building and I didn't see any garden) and the Empire State Building. The films are not for another two hours so I suggest some alcohol!

We end up going to an Irish pub called Stout that not only has the Man Utd v Chelsea game but also wi-fi and about a million stouts on tap. Win-Win. We stay for the second half and then some and decide to drink at least 6 drinks each a la the World's End but not 12 each...we couoldn't possibly, could we?

I have 2 pints here (although they are actually smaller than pints) and Cash has 3.
We think of a plan - hit the bars with happy hours. So we go to another one and we both have a shot of Honey Jack (honey-infused whisky). It is delightful.

We pay and head to the next place. I have a white sangria and Cash has a red sangria. I am starting to feel quite merry but not very drunk. We walk towards Times Square, having forgotten about the cinema and it is bright, big and brash. We then see a guy selling comedy tickets and after some good bartering, we manage to get 4 tickets for $20 rather than for $80. He tries to sell it to us that Eddie Murphy's best friend in Coming to America will be performing and shows us a picture. It ain't Arsenio Hall so what is he talking about? (Raaaaaaaaaaaac**st)!!

We then realise it's at the same place as we went to the other night but with a different line up. We then go to Stand Up NY again and order 6 bottles Bud and I have 2.5 and Cash 3.5 so we are up to:

Sarah: 6.5 and Cash: 8.5

We get a free shot upon entry called Kamikaze. It tastes like urine and feet and is a little sour.

Sarah: 7.5
Cash: 9.5

The acts were very good with one comedian who was there from the other night recognising us and changing his whole set because we'd seen it. Check him out - Ari Shaffir. After the gig, Cash gets a picture with Ari and has a little man chat with a Belgium guy who is also into MMA and is a fan of Ari and the Joe Rogan Death Squad group. Me and the guy's dad chat away saying we have no idea what they are talking about. Eventually, they stop and we head back home. It is raining at this point but is a warm rain.

We are quite a few stops away and Cash is in desperate need for a wee. On the tube, we discuss getting some Chinese but when we arrive back at our station, we realise that the only Chinese place looks like the food is nasty! So we find a bar instead on the corner of the street. Cash has a wee and we end up staying there for a couple of hours.

We both have a Jack Daniel's shot followed by a shot of rum each. Then we smoke some Starbuzz Blue Mist hookah (shisha), which tasted of blueberry and it is sooo tasty. Cash then sucks too hard and the hookah fun is over.

We then have some Dominican rum. After this one, I am done. Cash has one more - a shot from Colombia (apologies for my spelling Ino) - an aliuente? It's a white liquor and it is potent.

Sarah: 9.5
Cash: 12.5

Cash has completed the World's End challenge. I have completed my own challenge!

We then get a delicious sub from the deli at the end of our street. It is filled with jalopenos and meat and is tasty. I eat half before sleep takes over. I then wake up in the middle of the night, as thirsty as a camel(?) and am debating, in my drunken stupor, whether or not to drink the water from the tap. I do it and I don't even care if it's got bit of sh*t swimming in it. I need it! After an hour or so, I get up and do exactly the same thing again, with exactly the same thoughts.

Tomorrow is our last full day and we still have quite a few sights to see and things to eat!

Day 30 in NYC

We start the day at about 12pm. I feel rested and good. We head out to Whitman's for a juicy lucy (a burger where the cheeseis baked into the centre of the burger). I ask if he could use a spicy patty and the waiter says he's not sure but he will check. He says they can't use the spicy patty mix but what they can do is lather the 3-chilli combo on top of my burger. YES!! The food comes out and it is amazing and the portion size is just right! I finish it in about 5mins and want it again. I don't though. We finish off our beverages and head out.

Cash: Juicy Lucy with bacon and jalopenos - 8.5/10
Me: Juicy Lucy with spicy chillis on top - 9/10 - The Juicy Lucy was one of the first things I saw on Man vs Food and I'm so glad I have tried it here in NY.

Cash plays a spot of chess in Union Square and loses. The first time, he lost within 60 seconds but the second time, took a little longer. I watch this kid play really fast and he is awesome. He loses though!

We have walked quite a bit today and taken in a lot of the regular NY day. It's Sunday I think so the streets are lined with people with shopping bags and smiling faces. Tomorrow, it's back to work for a lot of them.

We walk around NY scoping the sights and we then head to Gray's Papaya hotdogs - I've wanted to try one ever since watching Fools Rush In with Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek. It is very, very disappointing 3/10 and I reckon that's a generous rating!

We then decide to catch a movie - we go to Regal Cinema just off Union Square. We see Elysium. It's actually pretty good and there are a lot of cinematic similarities to District 9 (same director). Really good.

We then decide to do a double and we see World's End as well after having a quick NY style pizza. I have a white cheese one and Cash has one with bacon and pepperoni. I think I put too much white pepper on mine and have a choking fit in the middle of the restaurant, I make it worse by laughing at myself mid-choke!

World's End is funny and the cinema is pretty packed out with lots of people getting the quirky British humour jokes!

We've seen two and so, think let's do the hat-trick! We decide to see The Butler. Also, a very good choice and some excellent acting performances. I haven't done a cinema trinity for a while and it feels good. I have a hot chocolate and Cash some cinnamon covered almonds and a coffee as our snackettes in the cinema. You can even get a pizza if you want!

We get home about 2am and I fall asleep pretty swiftly!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Two More...

Mr Bartley's. Cash 'BIG PAPI' burger and my 'REUBEN' burger
Boston, Massachussetts

More Photos

Joey 'Coco' Diaz, Rocky Balboa, Potbelly's sandwich and
the Interstate pub in Philly!

Day 29 - New York

After passing the time playing cards in station - I win 2/3 games and Cash's forfeit is that he has to give up cigarettes. If I had lost, I'd have to shave my hair off. We play one more game for Cash to win back his cigarette privileges, which he does.

We get to NYC about 5am and make our way to the connecting bus. We are meant to be on a 6am bus but this doesn't exist so we wait around for about an hour and a half and then get on a 15mins journey!! I am tired, in pain after lugging all our bags across America and all I want to do is have a shower and put on some clean clothes. We can't check in until 1pm so we have a couple of coffees in a local McDonald's so that we can use their wi-fi. I go for a little wander around the area we'll be staying at and it is heavily influenced by the Latin culture. I have scoped out a few food places, that look tasty.

We then decide to go and see a film to pass the time. We carry all of our stuff across the subway only to find that the cinema has closed down! C*NTS!!!!

We are currently in a Starbuck's and are passing the time until we can go check in. I get a iced green tea, which is actually very pleasant and refreshing. Cash gets a vanilla frappacino with two extra shots of coffee. I am discreetly doing some people watching and there is a very, very sexy man sat to my left. I love the accent here!

More to report on later. We are thinking of going to see another comedy show once we have had a nap and got ourselves cleaned up (in the non-drug-taking sense). 2 hours to go...

We eventually get to the apartment after Cash has gone to a barber's who charges him $25 for a shave, that's $20 more than he'd pay in England. In his sleepless delirium, he didn't ask about the price until it was too late!

At the apartment, we meet our host, who is very stern with us - 'YOU MUST NOT TOUCH ANYTHING IN THE KITCHEN'. Cash and i both trying to get her to leave so that we can sleep but she just wants to make conversation and is quite standoffish with us but she does eventually leave.

I have a shower and it is the best shower I have ever had! I feel clean and fresh! I then get a text from Lina, who recommends going to Katz - the deli where they filmed the famous 'yes, yes, yes' scene from When Harry Met Sally so instead of having a nap, I head out. Cash does some laundry and has a nap. I take the subway and it's awesome.

Katz is massive and busy with people shouting orders left, right and centre. I order a pastrami on rye with mustard and a pickle on the side. It is sooooo tasty. The meat melts in your mouth. I only manage half - I think I've broken my insides. I want to eat more but my stomach can't take anymore.

I then find a bar and have a Miller Lite in a bar on E1 Street. I think it's an Irish one and sit outside and people-watch for a bit. I love it here but it is super intense, vibrant, busy. Not sure I could do it for very long. I then head back home (falling asleep on the subway) for a well overdue nap.

I get home and Cash is still asleep on the sofa. I have a luxury nap in bed and get up about 7pm. We then head out to see a comedy night at Stand Up NY and it is very good. There are some talented comedians here (and some not so). One guy's impression of a tyrannosaurus rex is hilarious!! After the gig, we get to chatting to one of the comedians and we walk to the subway altogether. I love New York!

The night ends at 220am for me; Cash gets a McDonalds on the way home.

Day 28 - Boston

I thought the Florida car trip was bad, but this was one was a lot worse. According to Google, the trip was meant to take 5hours, instead, it took us about 12 and was pretty intense, especially when arriving in the New York area. The driving turns erratic and everyone is in a rush to be somewhere else! We play several games to pass the time and I am concerned that Cash doesn't know his alphabet still!

We stop at a place called Double Diner for breakfast. It looks like your typical kind of American diner, complete with jukebox on every table.

I have the Choc chip Pancakes x3 and a coffee - 5.5/10
Cash has Blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, coffee and a coke - 7/10

I am fast deciding that my body canny take no more! It feels like my skin is too tight for the rest of my body!

After the food, we drive to Boston. We need to pick up our Greyhound tickets for our bus trip to New York, leaving at 1am; drop off the car and visit Harvard.

There is f**kloads of traffic - we have not seen anything of this magnitude since we have been here. It is a shock to the system. We pass New York, New Jersey and Massachussetts. There is more of a UK feel to the East coast. Life is much faster and everyone is a little bit more intense. After a few wrong turns, we eventually arrive and pick up the bus tickets. We head over to Harvard Uni area about 8pm and have dinner. We spot a burger joint called Mr Bartley's and after pretending to look elsewhere, we head in. It is an award-winning place and does not disappoint.

Cash has the Big Papi burger, coleslaw, cajun fries, onion rings, vanilla malt and Mrs Bartley's rootbeer - 8/10

I have the Reuben burger (sauerkraut and swiss cheese) with extra jalopenos and a coke - 8/10

The place is friendly, funny and quirky and it is packed. The food comes out quickly and we devour it. Cash then worries whether or not there will be a toilet on the bus (we later find out there is)...

We drop off the car at the car rental place, which is in the middle of nowhere and get a couple of shuttle buses back into the city centre to get our train. I wish we could've spent more time here as it is awesome. I have managed to visit somewhere I have wanted to for ages - Harvard, Cambridge is beautiful and I could definitely spend some more time here!

We wait around for about 90mins and then get on the Greyhound. It is full considering it's 1am! I am concerned that I haven't changed my clothes (including my pants) since yday 8am! I am seriously considering going commando but I am wearing jeans so I foresee some chafing!

The bus is fairly quick and I manage to get about an hour or two of sleep. Cash talks to a guy called Bob, who tells him that Camden is a very dangerous neighbourhood (we were there the other day) and that we were very lucky we didn't get killed!

Day 27 From Philadelphia back to Washington

Cash got in about 3am and thanks to the lovely Alikins, I went to bed laughing my ass off watching Innuendo Bingo on YouTube. I don't sleep very well and I get up about 7am and check my emails - Thanks for the results update ladies.
Cash gets up about 8am and after a bit of emailing and web surfing, we eventually head out to the Italian market for breakfast (though it's about lunchtime now). We head to Isgro - I have a mascapone cannoli and get a chocolate one to go. Cash has a carrot cake, mascarpone cannoli and an almond nut. It was delicious. I devoured mine before the lady had finished taking Cash's order. Unfortunately, they don't sell coffee so we walk down the road and find a place called Anthony's. The coffee here is goo-ood. Cash gets a panini as well and it is very tasty. The place feels authentically Italian and the photos and features on the walls gives it a homely feel.

Next stop, Washington. We stop off at a department store in New Jersey first as we decide Newark is going to be too much today if we are to make it on time for the comedy show. We get a few bits and pieces and as a consequence of our trip, one of my new favourite stores is Build-A-Bear! As we step out of the car, the heavens open and we are completely drenched. Yay, several hours in the car to follow - canny wait for the damp smell (!)

We leave and Cash has a Tony Lukes' philly cheesesteak in New Jersey - 7.5/10. Thank you for the recommendation Willis!

We get to Washington about half 6pm and after a hullabuloo trying to find parking. Eventually Cash finds one and we are escorted to our seats at the DC Improv on Connecticut Avenue. The show is good. Joey Diaz is hilarious and his favourite swear words are you 'motherfu**ing co*ksucker!' Since then, I can't stop saying it!!
Mid way through the performance, a woman is being overly loud and telling her mates 9as the show is going on), 'we're leaving'. Joey is confused but uses the interruption to his advantage and once she leaves, he gets back to his routine. It finishes about 1030pm and we are buzzing. I wish it was longer. We decide to go see a film but there are NO cinemas open on a Thursday at this time. After about an hour and a half searching, we decide to give up and find somewhere to park up to have a nap.

We end up sleeping on the road and after about 3 hours, a cop knocks on our window and tells us it is illegal to do so. He is very nice about it and advises getting some coffee before setting off to Boston. Cash drives around trying to find a service station and there are none open!! About 5 miles away from the I-95, we happen to come across what looks like a truckers' graveyard with a lovely mirage-style sign saying 'rest area'. We park up amidst the big trucks and thankfully there are other cars too, recline the seats and fall asleep until about 8am in the morning.

We wake up, make up remover face wipe our faces, I put my lenses in and off we go. Boston - here we come!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 26 - Philadelphia

We get up about 11am and head out to get some Philly Cheesesteaks as suggested to us by some of the peeps in the bar last night. The first one on the list is Steve's Prince of Steaks. I have a Steak and Provolone cheese one - 7/10. Was ok, the meat was freshly cooked and the cheese was nice and melty but in terms of flavour, it pretty much just tasted of meat, cheese and bread. I am a little disappointed but that's probably because I am comparing it to Potbelly's.

Cash has a double steak and cheese with fries - 7.5/10. He thinks the same.

We then head over to a museum, not just any museum but the one where they filmed Rocky!! We park up and as Cash is in pain from playing with kettlebells yesterday, I take one for the team and run up the steps a la Rocky in the film. Cue theme tune - #it's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight...# We then pop into the museum, find out it's $20 and walk straight back out again. We want to be cultured but on a budget. We find the Rocky statue, take a few photos and then head home briefly so that I can pick up my laptop. We then drive to Walmart, where Cash picks up a new iPhone charger and some t-shirts. We head over to, what we have now been told is one of the dangerous places in the US, Camden in New Jersey hoping to find a free library so that we can do some banking, web surfing and I can write some of my dissertation. The library is closed so we find another back in Philly. We stay for a couple of hours, booking a Greyhound bus ride to New York from Boston and plan to go back to Washington tomorrow to see a Joey Diaz stand up show after popping into Newark. Once we are done, we head to Old City to have our second Philly Cheesesteak at Campo's. Again, it is ok but I'm not in love with it. The beer I have alongside it helps though.

The Works Philly Cheesesteak - 7/10
My original Philly Cheesesteak - 6/10 - I think I've deduced what the problem is, the provolone cheese tastes a bit sour, like it's gone bad. Now, I love stinky cheeses but this one is a little grating!

We pop to the Italian market, before heading back home to our Air BnB hosts, where we have decided to stay at for another night, looking for some cannolis but it's closed for the day. We stop and get a coffee and the owner tells us where to find the best ones - it opens at 8am tomorrow so we plan to get some Italian pastries for breakfast.

We get home and chat to our host for a bit. I spend the rest of the evening finishing off my dissertation. The plan is to do this then head to a bar but I tell Cash that I think it's going to take me quite a while (editing and page numbering are a-holes) so recommend he heads out and that I might join him later. At about 1130pm, I finish my last draft (with bibliography to do properly when I'm back) and send it.

One more week to go. Definitely need a detox when I get back! My winter coat is arriving a little earlier than planned. Tomorrow, Newark and Washington DC!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 25 - Washington DC

I will write more about today later on (we've just arrived at our AirBnB accommodation and Cash has spotted a bar. I need to get out of my PJs, put my contacts back in and into some jeans)...but I shall leave you with one word: POTBELLY'S.

LATER ON... Washington. I wake up at 745am and as requested, look over to the other bed and poke Cash awake so that he can go to the gym. He remains asleep. I crack on with my dissertation and eventually Cash gets up and heads down to the local Gold's gym.

After we have packed up and checked out of the very studenty-hotel, we leave our bags in the foyer so that we can go sample some food. We pick Potbelly's at the end of the street and it is amazing! It serves sandwiches that have been slightly toasted, packed full of meats, salad and cheese. The decor of the place is a bit Italian according to Cas and I reckon a bit Motown-y. There is a live artist playing some cool jams. He plays the guitar well but his singing is...memorable. He does a rendition of Coldplay's Ruled the World...that is very unique. He is in the zone, eyes closed, feeling the moment. Hilaire to watch but also makes the atmosphere of the restaurant even cooler.

I have an 'Original Wreck' with lettuce, peppers, mayo and a Snapple - 8.5/10

Cash has a Big BLT with extra pepperoni, salami and mayo mustard hot pepper lettuce, onion, tomato, pickle, oil and italian seasoning with chilli beef soup, oyster crackers and crisps with a root beer and refill - 8/10

Both sandwiches taste great - the kind that you regret having to sh*t out later! We stay for a while and when we do leave, it is with a smile on our faces.

Check out their website here:

We then get into an overpriced taxi trip to the airport to pick up our rental car. It takes us about 2 hours plus in total with a lot of serious de-ja-vuing. No one knows where we need to go to get the rental car as it is not actually at the airport but near the airport. We eventually take about a million shuttles and make our way to the shop. Here, we negotiate a good price and pick up a Chrysler. After a brief stop at Target, we are finally on our way to Washington to check out what the capital has to offer. We spend about 3 hours walking round, taking in the monuments. It is a big place and the momuments are grand and picturesque, but boy oh boy, am I going to ache tomorrow. This is probably the most exercise I have had the whole holiday. It does feel good but I didn't stretch.

We get back into our car about 630pm after having to go through security to get into the car park and we jokingly chat about getting another Potbelly's sandwich. Joking turns to reality and we type in the nearest one into our Sat Nav and it's only a couple of miles away. We have another-it is goood! This time I get the chilli too and the Italian sandwich. It again doesn't disappoint...they should definitely get this franchise in the UK!!

Bellies full and top button undone, we drive to Philly. The roads are smaller and the drivers are angrier. It feels like we're driving in a major city like London and it is not what we have been used to, what with the massive roads and lesiurely Sunday drivers of the West and Southern states. We arrive at our AirBnB accommodation at about 10pm and the couple are very friendly. We chat for a bit and they tell us where is good to go for Philly cheesesteaks. There are several places so we are spoilt for choice.

I get into my PJs and plan to do a bit of blogging followed by some Masters work. Cash goes out for a cigarette and then when he comes back in, says he's seen a bar. I can't not go so get changed, contacts back in, perfume spritzed on and we head to a bar at the end of the road called Interstate. It is just like you see in the movies. Everyone sat round the bar and the staff are genuinely friendly. We make friends with the bar maid who gives us a few different tasters to try. After my first pint, which is a fruity and sweet tasty stout-like beverage, I feel rather tipsy but as it is happy hour, we order another. Cash's first one was a rather bitter pale ale. His second is lighter. We both get wasted pretty quickly and then we learn that the beer here is 8%! That explains a lot!

For my second one, I have a Southern Tier plum something and then for my final drink, which the barmaid buys us, I have a dark cider and Cash a gin and soda with st germain. I love mine but the room is beginning to spin. Cash has also had a tequila as recommended by one of the guys sat next to us. Cash is not yet sold on gin but I will learn him that it is the best drink in the world!

We end up leaving the bar about 1am and stumble home. I fall asleep very quickly and wake up thinking I have peed my pants. Luckily, it was just sweat (!) but I did panic thinking how am I going to explain this to our hosts! Plan for tomorrow is to do some sightseeing in Philly.

Day 24 - Orlando to Washington DC

I wake up about 630am in the morning and find that I have been ATTACKED on my ankle by some sort of insect that has a two-pronged bite! It's itches like a beatch and in this heat, is rather annoying but I soldier on and get to writing. I stayed up a little bit later last night watching Cutthroat Kitchen - it's a TV food show and highly addictive viewing. I dose myself up on caffeine and manage to write quite a bit.

We clear out of the hotel at about 1130am and drive around a little. We need to return the car later on at the airport so we make sure it's all clean. We head over to a car wash to have it de-tailed. I notice that my skin is particularly spotty-the food is crazy big here. Some is tasty, some is just lard-tastic and I think the fat is starting to erupt from my pores!

At the airport, we check in really quickly and with about 4 hours to go until our flight, we chill in the food court. I have a postcard to send to Anna T that has been in my bag since week one but we can't seem to find any post offices that sell stamps! There are plenty of post boxes but no stamps!!! WHERE ARE THE STAMPS??

We eat at Nathan's hotdog place - Cash has a Chili cheese dog with sauerkraut and fries - 4.5/10
I have a Cheese dog with fries-5/10

We then head over to our gate, where we have a beer and play cards. Cash has a burger. I have nothing as my stomach is making funny noises and the last thing I want is to sh*t my pants thousands of miles up in the air (I do carry a spare pair of pants in my hand luggage though should the need arise).

We arrive in Washington at about 8pm and we are quick to get our luggage and head to our hotel. It is just by a university and the surroundings are much more European - smaller roads, built up and places close at a normal hour.

We catch up on some correspondance and then I feel hungry so we head outside. Everywhere is shut, everywhere but a Burger King so we have a little light snack before bed. I shower and fall asleep to Quantum of Solace. I need to be up early again to work on my dissertation but I am almost there. 300 words to cut and the main body is done.

Day 23 Orlando

At midnight the night before, we arrive at our location from Air BnB in Orlando. It's in a lovely residential area and I reckon it's where the folks with the dollar-dollar bills live. I don't have much time to look around properly but from the entrance to the room upstairs, it's like a scene from MTV's cribs - absolutely lovely!

We watch a couple of episodes of Family Guy and then I fall asleep - tomorrow, I have to finish off my dissertation and it is with pure dread that I go to sleep, but I do fall asleep pretty quickly!

I awake by the sound of a barking dog and sh*t my pants. Is it in the room?? Luckily, it's downstairs but it sounds big. I have only ventured to the bathroom...on my tip seems to have quieten down.

Congratulations to Gavin and Prachi on your wedding today and thanks for the photos, Roshu. Everyone looks beautiful and it looks like an amazing venue. Will be thinking of you all today!

We head over to our next accommodation in a bit and that is where I will be holed up for the rest of the day writing my conclusion and re-writing sections of this beast! Wish me luck!

We plan to leave here about 11am-ish to go and get some food. We stop off for sushi - Jacky, you would've loved it - massive portions and pretty tasty too!

We start off with some miso soup and then then I have sushi - 8 pieces of California roll and 8 pieces of spicy tuna- 6/10

Cash has the Chicken and vegetable tempura and then the spicy tuna and shrimp tempura sushi rolls - 6/10

We head over to the Days Inn, our accommodation for the day/night and I sit down at the big foak (faux oak) table ready to crack on with this mutha of an essay. I alternate between working on the computer in the 'business suite' (this comprises of one desktop and a printer) and my little netbook. The coffee and mini walks are doing me good (in terms of exercise, dunno about the actual essay).

Cash goes on a little window-shopping tour of Orlando and after a meal at McDonalds and a downpour of 'slarting' propotions, is back. He says he might go see Wolverine and I figure it's kinda about what my essay is on (it is, I swear) so we head over to the IMAX (just a fancy Vue cinema). It is still peeing it down when we get into the car - it's fun but scary at the same time.

When we arrive, I have a hotdog and a drink, which is the size of my torso. Cash has some mini hot dog sliders and salty popcorn. The film is really good. On the radio, there is a song with the lyrics: 'Tequlia makes her clot fall off on the radio' - you should check it out. I'm starting to really love country music. Speaking of which, there is another, that I swear is about fellatio but need a second opinion - it's called 'All over the road' by Corbin Easton. Is it just me??

We get back about 1230am and the short blissful time out comes crashing down when I realise I've only got a couple of hours of sleep before I need to wake up and weitre some more...Oh I need to pack my suitcase and bag as we fly to Washington tomorrow!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Day 22 - New Orleans to Orlando - LONGEST CAR TRIP YET!

Cash has done some research and heard about Willie Mae's Scotch House, where you can get the 'best fried chicken'. We drive down. From the outside, it looks like a house in a pretty surburban area but on the inside, it is a massive restaurant, but still with that homely feel.

We order a lot!!

3 chicken pieces - white - 6.5/10
3 chicken pieces - dark and white - 7.5/10
Mashed potato - 5/10
Green beans and rice - 7/10
Fries - 6.5/10 salty
Fried Okra - 5/10
Corn bread muffins - 8/10 both
Bread pudding - 8/10

When we came in, there were only a few people, 45mins later and it is packed out with everyone ordering the world famous chicken. You need a big appetite and big pants with a lotta give! People from all over the world are here and from all over the US. There is a great atmosphere. It's that 'gone to mama's house for sunday lunch' feeling. Taking a look at the window, there is a massive queue forming outside that goes round the corner. I have seen this before, especially at 11am in the morning!

I am full and have decided that whilst a lot of the food is really tasty, the more stewy/soup-based dishes are my favourite from Louisiana! We're on the interstate and within a short while, we have left Louisiana and enter Mississippi.

At 155pm - we enter Alabama. It is raining lots but is still 73F.

At 253pm - We enter the sunshine state-liars!!It's still 'slarting' it down (thanks Ali for the new vocab). Another 7hours and 17mins to go. We see an amazing lightning storm, again, I've never seen anything like it before. It is taking place behind the clouds but looks like a fireworks display. We are almost there - 3.16mins away.

12 and a bit hours later - We arrive at our destination at about 1215am and we are greeted by our host. The house is amazing. I feel like we're filming an episode of MTV cribs! It sppears to be a lovely neighbourhood. Tomorrow, I am writing my conclusion for my dissertation whilst Cash goes to some theme parks.

Night night xx

Friday 16 August 2013

Day 21 Friday in New Orleans

I have just woken up and looked at my phone - it's midday and it feels good to have had a lie-in. As recommended to us by the Australian couple, it's best to conserve your energy in the day and chill at home then hit the town hard in the evening. I wash some clothes and have a shower - one thing about the showers here is they've all been the kind I don't like - ones with immovable heads and so I'm having to do handstands in the shower just to wash my undercarriage! But I think I'm getting the hang of it so that's ok.

More to follow later...

We head over to R&Os, where apparently one of the best po-boys are served.
I have the:
Seafood gumbo - 7/10 followed by the Shrimp poboy - 6/10

Cash orders: Onionrings - 6/10Sarah and 7.5/10Cash - good and lots. It is practically a meal; Shrimp poboy - 7.5/10; R&O special beef and ham - 8/10Sarah 7.5/10Cash and finally, he has the Banana Cream pie, which he quotes as 'the best pie I've ever had'-9/10

R&Os was ok for me but Cash banana creamed his pants. I am currently in my first food baby trimester; Cash is in his second. The standard portions here are massive and it does get a bit heavy going at times, especially, when it's near enough breakfast time and they serve you a Christmas-dinner-size helping!

We then drive down to just off Dectaur Street and go for a walk whilst we wait for for The Spotted Cat to open (not open til 4pm). We realise that we are not very far from where we were yesterday and yet the surroundings look completely different. There is a distinct vibe here that is different to Bourbon Street. We continue on forwards and pop into a chilli shop. We try the hottest chilli in the universe (even says so on the bottle) - We have to sign a waiver before we can even try it. We try a tiny bit on a cracker. burns and it keeps getting hotter but it's ok. I go deaf for a minute or so (I'm seriously coming round to the idea that the deafer I go, the better/spicier the chilli) and Cash gets an instant sweat on. There is another lady who tries it and she also goes a bit deaf. Then her little brother wants to try it and after signing the waiver, he does. His reaction - he runs round round the shop twice with a grimace on his face! Hilarious!!

It's nearing 4 o'clock so we head over to The Spotted Cat - thanks for the recommendation Lina -
Andy Forest plays the blues with a couple of guitars and a harmonica. It's a lovely way to spend the afternoon. We have some whisky and our fancy cigars. There are only about 6 people in the bar and everyone is enjoying an iced cold drink and some tunes. There is a nice chilled atmosphere. We then have a brief look at the market and head home to drop off the car. We plan to get the street car back into town. We walk down and are planning to go to Preservation Hall but after asking someone, he recommends the Maison Bourbon - fuck yeah! Just what I wanted!! There is live jazz and it's foot-tapping, finger-clicking good! I have several Gin and Tonics and buy a CD - Phil Campo and the Loose Change Band.Cash has some whiskies followed by a mango daiquiri and buys a CD too - this time of Jamil Sharif. This is exactly the kind of bar I wanted to be in when I came to New Orleans. It's maginificent! I chat to a lovely couple whose son is a jazz drummer. They are from Albany, New York. The drummer for Jamil Sharif's band looks exactly like Zac Efron and is only 27 but boy, can he drum! I'm in awe and I could honestly live here. I love it.

3 G&T's in, I'm hungry...well, peckish. We plan to head back down to the Spotted Cat but first we stop off for some seafood at a place called 'Oysters on the half shell'

Oysters - 7.5/10
Gumbo - 7.5/10
Bacon mac and cheese - 7/10

The food is tasty, succulent and the portions are sensible!

We go to a late night art market - beautifully arty and cultural. Reminds me a bit of Camden. It is right next door to the Spotted Cat. We stay for a bit - it is much crowded now - then get a cab. The taxi driver tells us his life story and charges us a dollar extra to listen! It was one of those awkward moments where I'm thinking, turn off the tab when you reach our house then you can continue to chat, don't leave it running!!

We have an early start tomorrow but neeed to find some fried chicken first - we're off to Orlando, which is about 10 hours away!

Day 20 J'aime New Orleans, yes I do!

We wake up about 9am and Cash is still concerned that his clothes haven't dried, so he dries them the old fashioned way and makes some sort of clothes line outside. I text our host and ask her what setting she uses as there are quite a few. Meanwhile, I sit outside and have a beer and a cigarette whilst reading my book and awaiting news of back home (I am pleased with my news - thanks Ali and Doc). I always remember a motto my grandad had and that was to do on holiday what you would not normally do at home - experience and live life differently. So cheers! Cash pops out for a coffee and arrives back with a grande frappucino!

We also book our accommodation and transport to Washington, which is our stop after Florida. We airbnb our place in Orlando and it looks a-mazing! After a bit more dilly-dallying ( I love that phrase), we catch a trolley cart/street car into town to find the amazing Cafe du Monde that serves coffees and beignets all day and night long. We arrive at our stop and ask for directions - this part of New Orleans is a mix of old and new, rich and poor. We walk down Decatur street and stop off at a cigar place, where the workers are making them by hand. They work sooo quickly and it smells soooo good! We then look around and the food smells are intoxicating! Absolutely delicious with lots of seafood and creole/cajun smells emanating from the small restaurants, bistros and cafes that line the streets.

We find Cafe du Monde and have a coffee and some of the French donuts - they do not disappoint. The coffee is smooth and the beignets are coated in a generous helping of icing sugar! mmm...hmmm...mmm!

Now for sommat savoury. Cash wants a po-boy and I want sonme gumbo. We find a place a little further down the road called the Famous Gumbo Pot.
Cash - Shrimp Po-Boy (3.5/10) and a jambalaya as a side 4.5/10) - he is visible disappointed. The bread was hard and the jambalaya was overcooked and chewy. He still needs to find a good place!

Sarah - my Gumbo Yaya contains Andouille sausage, chicken and shrimp and it is tasty. I only go for a cup of it as I don't want to peak too early. The shrimp looks unusual and I'm not sure if I've just eaten frog but it tastes good so I ain't complaining - 7/10.

We both drink an Amber Abita - a locally brewed ale and it is tasty but makes me get my bloat on! I thought my dress had some give but nopes, my food baby is back!

After this, we go for a little tour around the place meeting magicians, fortune tellers and brass band players. Cash is seriously full. We want a jazz bar and ask around and a lovely lady tells us to head to Bourbon Street. We find it and there is a bar/club at the corner playing classic throw back RnB and Hip Hop. There is a live singer and she greets us in a friendly way and from this point on, we are known as 'London'. Amongst the punters are also 'Atlanta, Texas, Australia and ShyTown-Chicago'. The atmosphere is brillaint: people are drinking, smoking and dancing in the middle of the day. Cash and I have several whiskys, a gin and tonic and then I go onto shots of Baileys. After a good few hours and a boogie, we leave for the next place and it is still very early. We head over to another bar, this time much smaller and darker, more of the kind I have in my head when I think of New Orleans and we listen to a band play some jazz, soul and funk. I have another Baileys and Cash has a whisky.We get to chatting to a lovely Australian couple who are also doing a mini tour of America.

After this, we look around and I realise I am a bit hungry. I have a slice of pizza with everything on it and whilst at the time, it was very tasty, upon reflection, it was just ok. Better than the Flying Pizza pie but not as good as the one in San Francisco so a 5/10.

We see a long line of people waiting to get into a bar and when we ask, they say there is a live jazz band but it costs $15 and there isn't a bar inside. We tell the door lady, we shall be back when we've bought a drink (you can do that here - buy a drink and bring it to any establishment you want). We head over to a karaoke bar called 'New Orleans Cats Meow' and I order a coke for myself and a Hurricane for Cash, which contains what tasted like every spirit and a bit of fruit juice with some candid cherries thrown in. It tastes a bit like the Negroni in Seco Lounge that we tried last year, in other words, ugghheeeeqwwwww!!! The place is busy and everyone is having a great time. We get to chatting to a guy sat beside us and after about 30mins, he has signed me up to do a song and I say yeah, sure why not. In my head, I'm thinking there is a massive queue and so I might not even get a go, but no...after about an hour, I am up there, cacking my pants and singing Adele's 'Rolling in the deep'. I have never been so nervous in my entire life!!!

There are about 120 people in the audience and I am one of two people with an English accent. I come off the stage feeling both exhilirated and still nervous. I then realise that I have sobered up but thank you Ken for making me do it. It is definitely something I can cross off my bucket list - sing karaoke in front of an American crowd in New Orleans!

We drink some more, well I am on water as I am already getting flashbacks and alco-burps and head out about quarter to midnight. We pop into a few other bars and eventually make our way to the tram stop (not before being asked AGAIN if we'd like to go to a couple's strip show - do we have those kinda faces??!!).

There are no trams so we pop into the Ritz (I think) and ask if they can hire us a cab and they say there is a rank neary. We head outside and the bell boy whistles one for us. Cash gets to talking to him and it turns out he is from the same town as his family and so they chat away and by the time he drops us at our apartment, he has waived the fee! Thank you Mr Cab Driver! He also tells us to head to Merigny (or by water) tomorrow and that is what we are going to do! We are hoping to find the Spotted Cat, courtesy of Lina and also try some more good tasting food. I'm going to attempt a po-boy today and just plenty o' shrimp!!


Thursday 15 August 2013


You will go on my first whistle...

Day 19 - Dallas to New Orleans

What a day folks! What a day...

I try and get up early but it's no use. I am tired from the drinking of the alcohol. Eventually, I decide that 9am is a reasonable hour to get up and have a shower. I then decide to check when we need to return the rental car. It is Florida. I once again put on my Columbo raincoat and figure we can find a rental place here of the same brand and just get it extended, which we do and so it's all good. Cash goes to the gym for about an hour and I re-pack my shizzle ready for the next state - LOUISIANA.

I am still full from Denny's but Cash wants some chicken. So we find the nearest place called Church's chicken and I think to myself, I don't want to have food envy so I order a 6pc boneless chicken wing combo MEAL. I'd give this about 5/10. Whilst tasty, it was very salty.

Cash has a Tex burger, a thigh, some mac and cheese, chips and a drink - 4/10.

At 353pm- we're in Louisiana! I have napped a few times and whilst I thought I was being discreet about it, I have been caught. Cash tells me to put my seat back and recline it, which I do and properly have an hour long nap! It is good!

I wake up and we're on the road for a bit longer when we spot a massive accident. A big RV is on its side and the metal barriers have been crashed into. We stop to help, along with some other people too. Cash helps to clear some of the debris away and I get some water out for the victims. Fortunately, there were no fatalities, just a lot of bruises, cuts and broken vehicle parts. The scariest part was that there was gas leaking out of the RV and a couple of the passengers didn't want to get out of the RV. After a while, the police came and explained that they should get out as that was the safest option. Hopefully they did...

Back on the road and we are 4.5 hours away from New Orleans! We stop at a gas station so Cash can get a coffee and me a milkshake. Cash also decides to get a milkshake. We stop at a place called Eddie's BBQ... and end up leaving having eaten the following:

Ribs, steak, potato, cheesy pasta and bread - 8/10. The potato was excellent!

Boudin x2, dirty rice, cheesy pasta and bread - soooo tasty and filling. I can't breathe! 8/10

The meat was melt-in-yer-mouth gorgeous and the Louisiana style spices are so addictive!! I am writing this at midnight, a good few hours after we stopped and I still am soooo full!!!

We both roll back to the car, in food agony. This must be the definition of the pleasure-pain principle.

We play a couple of car games (thank you Ali) and make it to Tiger to fill up with some more petrol. It reminds me of Mauritius a bit, with the wooden-style houses and the streets.

We make it to the house about 1030pm and it is lovely and cute. Our host has left us welcome messages and instructions and the place itself is beautiful. Photos to follow tomorrow. We have a couple of beers and I have a cigar - I feel like a madam and I love it!!

Tomorrow the plan is to explore the area and find a place called 'Cafe du Monde' which the barman at the comedy club suggested is a must-see, as does my 'eat your way across America' book. Cash is desperate for a po-boy and I want me some shrimp gumbo!

Nite nite...more to report on tomorrow.

Dallas Continued...

So I make my way downstairs for the happy hour of drinks and snacks. I spot a side table with coffees on it and my heart sinks a little but I go up and make myself a strong one with hazelnut milk. I sit down on a table facing the TV and sip my coffee...then as I look to the right of me, I notice 3 hot plates full of food and think to myself 'how long should I leave it before I go and get something...I can't do it too soon as I purposefully went for the coffee...'As I contemplating my next move, luckily a clean shaven Cash comes back and he goes and looks at what is on offer. He comes back with some great news - there is free beer!! I down a couple more gulps of my coffee and then go and get myself a Coors! It tastes like the nectar of the Gods - it is divine! We decide to then look up if there is any comedy taking place in the area (as we have been listening to comedic podcasts on our car journeys) and there is a place called the Dallas Comedy House. Cash goes to shower, whilst I order a cab and have myself another beer - a Bud Lite this time. Delish. I also help myself to a few CHICKEN GOUJONS!!! I am in heaven and then we head down to the venue about 720pm. Our taxi driver - Albert - is a sweet old man who truly loves Dallas and Texas and tells us all about the state. We arrive at the venue in Downtown Dallas and it's full of people; we're not sure who is performing and who is supporting - it's open mic night - and so we get a couple of beers and chat to a few of the people. It is a lovely buzz and the venue is very cool. They even do classes too - http://d/

We order a whisky next as we chat to the barman. It is just like the movies, they are interested in what you have to say and genuinely lovely people. The whisky is called
Makers Mark Whisky and it's smooth and sweet and we have it on the rocks. It gets me very merry, to the point of my stomach doing flips like I'm on a roller coaster.

The comedians are a mixed bag - some are genuinely funny and some completely crash and burn. We gets to chatting to one of them outside called Jonathan Williams - he gives us his youtube address. Haven't looked at it yet but here it is -

We stay until about midnight and then head back to the hotel. But I am starving so we head over to Denny's, which is just opposite the hotel first. There are plenty of crickets or locusts (do they still exist?) about and Cash is a little scared. When we get to Denny's, it is fairly busy considering the time.

I have 3 Samplers - cheesey quesadilla, mozzerella sticks and chicken tenders - 6/10
Cash has the bacon cheddar burger with fries - 6/10. They filled a craving but weren't amazing or original!

I fall asleep pretty much as soon as my head hits the pillow...but not before a feeble attempt at a Gladiators-style (on my first whistle...ready) pudle stick fight.

Tomorrow we are off to New Orleans!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Flood warning?

Oh my goodness, just looked outside and it is pee-ing it down! It has suddenly gone Autumnal and the cable TV has gone...luckily, it's almost drinks time

Take a look:

Beef, Pie and Hot Damn Photos

At Cattlemen's in Oklahoma - my filet, Cash's T-Bone, Peach Cobbler with ice cream, Apple Pie with ice cream
and temperature in the car today in Dallas, TX

Day 18 - OKC to Dallas

I set my alarm for an early start so that I can take advantage of the hot breakfast but I am knackered so sleep through until about 930am. Once we have checked out, we start the morning off with a subway. I go for a 6inch Italian BMT on cheddar and jalopeno bread. Pretty standard but meat tastes fresher here and there is more of a selection of cheeses available - 6/10

Cash gets a foot long Italian Breakfast BMT, which has an added omelette, on cheddar and jalapeno bread.

We are now on our way to Dallas. It's a 3 hour trip so much less than yday's and doesn't feel that bad.
Half way in, Cash spots a billboard sign advertising Fried Pie and his eyes glisten over. He has recently seen a TV show that features this place and so we make a detour to the Arbuckle Mountain Fried Pie - we get four: 3 for Cash (one for free) and 1 for me. The sweet ones are cold already but they make the savoury ones fresh:

Cherry pie.
Polish sausage, potato and cheese pie
Blackberry pie
Pecan and cream pie

We are still in the process of eating them so scores will be given later on. It is fatty, tasty, salty and sweet but I can feel my arteries clogging up as I bite into it!

We enter Texas and it a heat-filled 100F but heavily overcast. Those of you with hair prone to curling or waving, spare a thought for my long locks! We check in and the roomn is lovely and great value for money. I have a long shower and condition the hell out of my hair. Cash heads out in search of a barber's. At 530pm, they have free drinks and snacks in the lobby - I hope it's alcoholic as I've got another craving for a Bourbon on the rocks.

Thanks Nicole and Martin for the 'eat your way across America' book - it looks like there are loads of places in Dallas. There is something called Lamb Fries, which are basically fried lamb bollocks. I kinda want to try them and I kinda want to vom in my mouth at the thought of doing it...we'll see.

More on Dallas later...

Day 17 ABQ to OKC

With the best intentions, Cash does not make it up for MMA training at a local gym. It is freezing! That is because we left the A/C on all night! I get up and have a shower. This morning, it works properly and there is no panic...unlike last night, when I'd already stripped down and was trying to put it on and it wouldn't come on!! Think of that scene in Friends with Ross and the lotion. I then need to get re-dressed and ask for help and Cash manages to make it work, although his first reaction is "oh f*ck no shower!" Neither of us knows what he did to make it work but it does! Yay!!

So anywyas, we are both up, check out and on the way, stop off at Cheesecake Factory (not to be confused with THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY). This is the original and is right here in ABQ. I order a combo meal, which comes with 1/2 corned beef sandwich on a hand roll and spicy chicken and brocoli soup - 9/10. OH MY GOODNESS, it is delicious - tasty, spicy, meaty, homely, soft - amazing!!

Cash orders a Special Italian sandwich with added pastrami plus coleslaw. The workers like the combo Cash has chosen and we can hear them talk about it as they place the order. 7.5/10. Cash likes his too but thinks the coleslaw lets it down. We both agree this place has served the best thing in ABQ!

We then jump in the car and make our way to OKC. On the road, Cash spots a kitten on the middle of a busy highway so naturally stops the car mid-road and goes out to save it. Unfortunately, the kitten takes a few short breaths before it dies. Cash leaves it by the police station and walks back to the car. He is sad but he has done a good deed. We now head to Jackson's Gym, another MMA place before heading to OKC. Cash spots a few athletes he recognises and gets to meet the owner, Greg Jackson and stands in awe. I look at the photos and it does look pretty cool and hard core!

We head out and will be crossing three states today-NM, Texas and OK. 528+ miles across I-40 and parts of route 66. Hoping for steak tonight.

It is overcast today but still quite high - 66F at the moment.
We play a few car games (thank you Ali for the others, that should help us during the trip to New Orleans): city centres then famous people names followed by some old skool wipeout. I will 6/9 games of this. Cash does win the last round by naming 6 UFC fighters. We are running low on gas and spot a sign that has bullet holes in the metal. We make a hasty reversing manoeuvre and go back to the interstate.

Eventually we find one - Cash gets a soft drink and I get a premium blend coffee with a shot of amaretto flavoured cream. It's not as good as the hazelnut but it's ok and the coffee tastes strong! We also try an almond snickers-3/10 for both. Too much nougat and no taste! UGH!!! Dis-appointed!

After a few hours, we are in Texas. We've left the land of enchantment. It is raining fairly heavily but it's still 69F! After about an hour or two, we're in Oklahoma - 73F. 647pm central time.

There are lots of lightning strikes against a dark, grey sky. The car is swaying from side to side and we are still 90mins away from hotel. Thinking of having steak tonight

We have a mini moment involving the cops but it's all good and was pretty cool, even though my pants were royally soiled! We pop into Target for a wee and then decide to get dinner before checking in to the hotel. We decide to go to Cattlemen's, which has both a smoking and non-smoking room. We try the smoking room and it's actually ok, doesn't smell of smoke and is very cowboy-like. Cattleman's is written in my food book as a must-go to! Cash has a Tbone with fries, salad and house dressing and double duce beer plus an apple pie and ice cream - 8.5/10.

I have a beef filet - for some one with small appetite - but it is rather large, with mashed potatoes and a glass of 'interesing' wine - a merlot. That's what they call it, I call it amazing! I follow the main with a peach cobbler and ice cream - 8.5/10
Gary our waiter, who was lovely and reminded of a character from Family Guy, ends up feeding me my peach cobbler!

We head outside and I think Cash is taking photos but no, it is the start of a mama-sized lightning storm!! We head back to the hotel and hope that we have a room with a big window. I am desperate for shower having been in the car for 8+ hours and need to charge my phone. Cash does some research on what to do in a storm situation in Oklahoma - do not shower, do not plug in appliances and do not stay by windows! Ooops! We watch a couple of episodes of something on TV. Dallas, TX tomorrow!

Monday 12 August 2013

ABQ Photos II

Sadie's: green chili bean soup with tortilla, chicken taco, beef brisket sopapilla, guacamole, nachos, sopapilla and honey dessert, IPA,

ABQ photos I

Fiesta burger, bean soup and nachos at Frontier's Restaurant

Day 16 Leaving Durango for ABQ

We are woken by a gentle knock on the door from the women who are delivering our room service breakfast. The food is served on old skool trays and with all the expected crockery. The actual food itself is standard and a little lukewarm, a joint 4/10 is awarded.

I jump in the shower and decide to use the citron body wash, followed by the free ginseng lotion - I think I smell like an older lady...classy but older. I then decide that this is what Maggie Smith would smell like and so I decide to roll with me.

Whilst Cash gets ready, I go for a walk round the Durango block - it's a mix of Old wWst and Native American stuff. There's even an old steam train. The houses are wooden and tin and that kinda terracotta colour. It's cute and quaint...I am then distracted from the pretty view by a muffler shop. Speaking of which, I have also seen lots of places with lube too (to do with cars or something...I think).

We leave about 1030am-ish and enter a fair few of reservations/Native American land - there no shops, a few horses for sale, and it makes you understand that they are genuinely living off the fat of the land (speaking of which, Google 'fat found in Kingston sewer' - gross). There is just an endless view of land. We spot a few caravans and trailers but it is mainly land and sky that provides the backdrop of today's road trip.

As resident Hyandai DJ, I decide that some mid-millenium classics should start our entering of New Mexico - the Land of Enchantment: A little bit of The Kooks, Kate Nash, the Hoosiers, Jack Penate and Paulo Nutini provide the score.

We have now just entered Cuba (I think it's a different one to the island!) We arrive in Albuquerque (thanks Ali for reminding me that this is why BBad is set. It is the final episode ever tonight on American TV so I am doing my best to ignore the entertainment channels tonight) at about 230pm and check in. After a bit of chilling, we decide to head to Frontier's Restaurant as featured on Man v Food. On first look, the place is massive. It is also opposite a university and so you understand why. We both order the Fiesta burger and then Cash gets nachos and I get a bean soup as an accompaniment. The food arrives and looks good...that's pretty much where the positives end.

Fiesta burger - green chile, cheddar cheese, onion and lettuce. 3.5/10-Cash; 3/10-Sarah. I am well disappointed. No flavour, no spice, below par!
Nachos with cheese and jalapenos-would be nice if more of them - 6/10
Bean soup - 7/10

We come out of the establishment disappointed and despondant. So, naturally, we decide to head to another venue that was featured on the show - Sadie's. This is home to award-winning tacos and sopapillas as well as biggest ever one too. We reckon maybe just some dessert at Sadie's. We arrive and it is also massive with a quirky sense of humour and wall-to-wall furnishings. Dessert is not enough, we decide to have another meal. We should have read the small print, the portions are crazy-fu*k massive!!

We get Nachos and salsa as well as two fairly big sweet sopapilla with honey for dessert for free. We didn't know this was going to happen and was given to us after we'd ordered. Cash has the Beef brisket Sopapilla, guacamole and a taco - 7.5/10

I have the green chile with bean - spicy, tasty but oh so filling - 8/10

2x Happy Campers beer

OH MY GOODNESS...Cash sees his sopopilla and wonders if the 'server' has made a mistake, just a potion to cure world hunger!!The food is tasty but the portions...will post up some photos soon.

After we waddle out of the place, we sit in the car for a bit. Cash looks like he might pass out and I've never had a food baby as big as this! I feel like a snake who has just eaten a wallabymulabingbong! #OMG what was I thinking? I need to lie down! We notice that everyone walks out with a takeaway box but that little observation does nothing to ease the pain.

We visit an MMA gym, where Cash may do a class tomorrow. I book our next hotel and ask about a potential comedy night in the area. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like anyone is performing tonight. We play some 'rummy' and 's*ithead' and just for today, Cash wins 4/7 games...but it ain't over yet.

It has been several hours since I ate and the food baby is still there...oh dear!

I end today thinking that I don't really trust Adam's recommendations anymore. So far, the majority of places and dishes that he has suggested have been quite mediocre...Hopefully, it'll get better or we might need to go off the beaten track as that has been when we've been most happy with our meals...we shall see.

Just seen an advert for WaxVac to prevent you using cotton buds. You put it in your ear and it hoovers up your wax. I shall leave you all with that.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Durango Photos

Day 15 - On the Road to Durango

Let's start off with a potential overshare - but what does it mean when your poo is red? I shall leave it there.

I finally have my waffle with syrup for breakfast and it was pretty gross. Granted, I did have it from a industrially-produced batch of batter but not very nice and not even sure if the batter was cooked. I give it a generous 2/10. I need to try it again somewhere else.

Cash went to the gym so missed breakfast at the hotel. He chose Denny's instead. For $12.90, he got a short stack of pancakes with bacon inside (that means 2), 2 fried eggs, sausage, bacon, hashbrown, coffee and coke - 7.5/10. Good value and tasty.

We then head off to find Gym Jones for Saj and it is really hidden away. After a few turns and a whole lotta perseverence, we find the place and I walk in to a seminar and then walk out. A lovely lady called Lisa comes out - she owns the place - and we explain that we are on a road trip and my brother asked if I could get him a t-shirt as he is interested in the stuff that they do and I do get one. MISSION: COMPLETED.

We're back on the road and it is quite hot and I am wearing the forecast mentioned something about floods. Two words - sweaty gusset!

After Cash's carb-filled breakfast, the tiredness is hitting him (and me) so we stop at an Arctic Circle, a kind of fast food joint with an astronaut sort of theme. They don't serve coffee but I do get a corn dog. I'm apprehensive but I dig in - It has a beef sausage in the middle and sweet dough on the outside. Sounds like it won't work but it's actually quite nice. I have it with fry sauce - ketchup and mayo - 6/10. I could probably manage a couple more but then I'd feel full.

We are now driving through a road carved in a green mountain and we see a massive lightning bolt. Jeans don't seem so silly now and the sweatiness has subsided. It begins to rain and within moments, the temperature begins to radically drop from 79F outside to 64F within seconds. Eventually, as the rain stops, it climbs back up to 75F.

We are now crossing through what can only be described as Indiana Jones territory. The rocky mountains and canyons are a reddish hue and are naturally carved into weird shapes. This is Utah. It is truly amazing and again, I feel like I'm in a picture. We are low on petrol and stop at the next town/village/hamlet. now THIS is the middle of nowhere. It feels like we have entered a ghost town and are gonna be rifled down but the people are nice and friendly. I pop into the restroom and realise that THIS will in fact be the place I get an STD! I then grab myself a coffee and as I am stirring my half and half, I spill a quarter of it over my feet, the countertop and I can't find any tissues...SH*T. I eventually find some and with a massive 'please don't hurt me' smile, I pay for my coffee and go fill up the tank. Cash spots an awesome antiques shop opposite but unfortunately it is closed. It looked cool though.

As I inspect my feet for blisters, I notice that they are so cut up from wearing flip flops on hot ground. Am going to need about a dozen puce stones on my return! The temperature has gone back up to the 83F and the good idea/bad idea jeans quandary is back on the table.

We continue our drive through national parks and canyons: amazing, gorgeous and mind-blowing. We stop in Maob and the first place we see to get a quick bite to eat is a Burger King. I have a Chicken Royale and have indigestion for the rest of the journey, having wolfed it down way too quickly! Cash has a double stack burger.

We've just seen a sign for Colorado River, our next state! After we leave the red-tinted rocky mountains and canyons, we enter a more green, humid and desolate area. We search for a hotel and after a few tours of Durango, we find a place called the General Palmer Hotel. This place is very old fashioned. I feel like I've stepped onto the set of Downton Abbey. It is very pretty. It also feels like a fancy train from the days of yore and so when we are told we are staying in the Palace Suite, we are most excited, but it turns out the Palace Suite is for the poorer folk. It is still lovely though and has some authentic ornate features from the high beds, an old chair in the corner, a vanity table and old floral wallpaper. It also feels a little haunted - I could imagine Most Haunted having an episode set in this room. The bed is opposite a mirror and I am making myself feel scared! Will upload some photos soon. What is super fun though is that we can have our breakfast delivered to our room in the morning.

Cash is a little hungry and heads out to have a look around Durango. He comes back with chilli cheese fries and a Durango Dawg (hot dog) complete with poppy seed bread, coleslaw and bacon - 7/10.

Trivia about Durango:
City Slickers was filmed here.
It hosted the first ever world mountain bike competition.
It has a population of 16,000.

We managed to listen to 2.5 Joe Rogan podcasts today and have a 3.5 hour trip tomorrow to our next place.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Day 14 Salt Lake City part II

So after having that hazelnut robust coffee, it transpires that it makes my wee smell of hazelnut! I did try the vanilla one but that did not do anything. So after a really relaxing morning and early afternoon, during the late afternoon, Cash goes to the gym with UFC on one screen and Joe Rogan on another to use as inspiration as he pumps the iron. I head to the whirlpool, which was nice but nowt special and a lot different from the cabin spa where there was beer and wine and other people. I use the pool as well and manage a couple of lengths before my lungs give out and I just know I'm going to be sore it turns out, I'm ok.

On his tour of the hotel, Cash spots a sign that says we can do some laundry and it's not too expensive. Things to note - the guest laundry room is located in a room marked 'guest laundry room', the hotel's laundry room is marked 'laundry' - there is a BIG difference between the two. I almost shat my pants thinking how am I going to wash my clothes using these massive industrial sized machines, then channelling Columbo, I realised that the machines were spinning away with only white towels and sheets and so worked out that my multi-coloured pants and I were in the wrong laundry room. Found the guest one just round the corner - 75cents for detergent, $1 for washing, $1 for drying and 75 cents for some Bounce drying softener. After a couple of hours, our clothes are clean and fresh for the next portion of the journey...I'll be honest, was getting a little concerned that I'd be either having to wear my granny pants or go commando, and you don't want to be doing either with the heat and bugs around!

Whilst we wait for the clothes to dry, I pop out for an old school traditional cigar, like the cowboys used to smoke, only it's honey flavoured. It was ok, it left a nice taste on your lips but no buzz felt at all. Cash subsequently had to google how do you smoke a cigar properly and what do you look out for. We WERE doing it properly, it was just rubbish! Coming back in from the smoker's bench, we are greeted with free cookies in the lobby and coffee - this is when I have my vanilla flavoured one.

It is then a pretty chilled afternoon. I watch Scary Movie and an episode of True Blood. Cash chills in the business suite. I haven't eaten all day since breakfast and that little cookie but am still SOOOOO full! Although I don't feel very different and my clothes still fit, I am developing a permanent food baby - maybe this year's winter coat will arrive early!

We decide to hit Brewvies - - a brilliant idea and concept that serves food and drink whilst you watch a film in a cinema. F*ck yeah - I love it! We go and see the 1030pm showing of 'We're the Millers' and I would highly recommend it. It is laugh out loud funny with some great lines and scenes! The place itself is kitted out with pool tables and traditional bar area (though they call it a pub) then you get your ticket, order your food and go through the back to the cinema. In the cinema itself, the main difference is you have a little bench to have your food on and non-intrusive lights to see your food. When your food is ready, your number appears on a sort of 'bingo-style' call system (the kind you get in Argos but much cooler and not with a voiceover) and you go out and collect your order. Free refills on soft drinks again!

Cash has Da GodFather Pizza - bacon, ham, beef, jalopenos - 6/10
I have 3 chicken tenders with celery and carrot sticks (meant to be coleslaw but was actually nice to get some fresh food and vitamins) - 6/10. It was tasty and not too heavy for such a late viewing but nothing great.

The film finishes about 1230am and we walk back to the hotel. There are sprinklers everywhere, which explains why the grass is so pretty and green everywhere you go, but it does mean that you get sprinkled on if you walk on the pavement! Cash thought he'd found a safe and dry path but he was highly mistaken! My schadenfreude was on overdrive!

I am still wide awake when I get back so put on old reruns of Full House, a show from mine and Cash's youth. We watch a great 2-parter where they go to Disneyland and there are a bunch of family issues such as middle sibling Stephanie being jealous of her younger sibling (played by Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen) and Danny wanting to propose but never finding the right time (all great stuff), but all gets resolved in the end. I loved it then and I still love it now.

We're off on our epic journey to New Orleans next, stopping in New Mexico for the first part methinks. Hopefully, we'll be able to pick up some wi-fi along the way.

Friday 9 August 2013

Day 14 - Salt Lake City (downtime day)

#Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear lovely Davina,
Happy Birthday to you#

Happy Birthday Davina for 8th August! Hope you had a lovely day chica!

We wake up about 9am and head down for breakfast. We're excited by the treats that may lay ahead...It does not disappoint!I have some French toast sticks, some toast and Philadelphia, a cheesy omelette, some turkey links (sausages), some apple juice and a green tea. I'd give it a good 7/10.

Cash has the same with coffee and a waffle. I shall have a waffle tomorrow and maybe some yo-gurt.

We have both spent the morning getting some correspondance done and chilling. I am in the room watching re-runs of Saved by the Bell and Boy Meets World, updating the blog and Cash is in the business suite downstairs. It feels good to be off the road. I go down for a coffee about 130pm and decide to go for a strong one with hazlenut milk. O.M.Goodness - it is delicious. The coffee is free all day and all night! I love this place!! Also, love it that in any establishment, if you buy a soft drink or a coffee, all your refills are free!

My stomach is better today and not on fire so that's good. I can eat chilli again - yay!!

We might venture to the cinema later on today so more to follow later on!

Off for another coffee...but this time, with vanilla milk! Ooooh, we is living it up today!

Day 9 - San Francisco to Winnamucca

Today, we are driving half way to Idaho. But first a visit to the roof top terrace-beautiful up here, just like in the movies when they jump from roof to roof, you could do it here. Cash made it up a few steps then came back. If we staying longer, I'd like to stay here again. Great accommodation and location! We ask one of the host's colleagues where is good to eat and he tells us we are in the city famous for its burritos. We search and find a popular and award-winning place called PapaLote - it is a small but very popular place with cans of sauce lying around, along with a big bucket of jalopenos...this is definitely my kinda place. nachos with guacamole and salsa fo free- 7/10 Sarah - Mexipino burrito with rice, tomato and chicken - 7.5/10 Cash - Super chicken Burrito, extra spicy and nachos with everything - 7/10. A bit wet, not fresh enough. I also notice that I have been bitten by a lone mosquito - all up right hand and arm plus my neck! They are gradually swelling and itching! 20miles from Lovelock, we stop at a rest area and pee down a hole. Although a little weird, there is something that is both windy and refreshing. Thank goodness for wetwipes! We have been driving for about 6hours straight or so. The sun shall be setting soon. 93F but with a cool breeze. I feel like I'm in the middle of a Marlborough Red advert. So picturesque - nothing but mountains for miles and miles and a few cars here and there. Passed a prison and a sign that says no hitchhiking! Coal Canyon is 1 mile away at exit 112. 67miles to go until our next instruction. Drinking a starbucks refreshers: juices, vitamins, ginseng, and green unroasted coffee beans! Feel a little more alert but could also sleep. Looking outside, the roads are all really straight and there are lots of partially blown tyres all over the roads! We pull up in Winnemucca, which is about half way to Idaho. We rent a room at the Sante Fe Inn for $85. The room is big and again, I feel like I've gone back in time. Tomorrow, get to see Mazza E and Spence! Yay!!

Some Photos from Red Fish to Salt Lake

An innuendo interlude

Just got sent this by Ali. Fricking hilarious!!


Rockie's Diner

Rockie's Diner

Chilli Cheeseburger from Rockie's