In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Friday 9 August 2013

Day 11 - Boise, Idaho

We wake up about 10/11am and the view is outstanding! I have an apple the size of a small baby for breakfast. It is massive. Our chilled day is going swimmingly. We do a bit of reading, sunbathing and watch some American Judge shows, where people go on with small problems and a judge decides their fate - the episodes we watched included wanting money back for flight expenses to see a guy whose online photo made him look 30, when actually he was 50!! SHOCKING!

At about 5pm or so, we head into Boise. Henry takes the wheel and we make a stop off at Walmart to find out where the Man Vs Food restaurants are; there are two. Flying Pizza Pie and Rockie's. We go to the pizza place first and whilst it isn't actually a challenge, it is a featured place and there is a crazy spicy one on the menu, which I want to have! The atmosphere is top notch, there are good menus (written as a newspaper), good selection of IPAs, they serve a good brew. Busy and well known. There is a darker dine in section and a brighter take away section for gourmet night, which is basically a buffet.

I have the triple habenero spicy pizza (that you need to tell the servers so that they don't actually spray the chilli sauce into their face). When ordered, the server guy said the following: "We've got plenty of ice cream for today and tomorrow". Should I be scared? It is spicy and whilst tasty to start with, it does make the left hand side of my face swell up! I give it 6/10 as the actual dough itself was quite thick and starchy but the chicken, olives and garlic are a nice combo.

Spencer has the Chile'n Lime, a kind of Mexican and fresh tasting pizza - 9/10
Maria has a classic ham and pineapple, which is 'full breadiness, full cheesiness, generous pizza, it felt very American' - 8/10

Cash has a meat feast style pizza - 6/10

We then ask about the dessert pizzas that they do and as part of the gourmet night and the guy gives us it for free, sayhing that there is plenty to go around. I love this place! They have an appley dessert pizza pie, which contains nuts, apple, caramel. I give it an 8/10, Cash 4.5/10, Henry - 6/10 and Maria - 7/10.(we've given it one more as it was free).

On the way home, we stop off at a bar a few minutes away from where we live called the Dirty Shame Saloon. We step and it is quite empty but it has a big bar, a stage area and several pool tables. The saloon is very stereotypical of a bar/ saloon. We order 4 pints of IPA and soak in the atmosphere. We get into a conversation with an older guy when we ask him about how to get to Red Fish in Stanley. He tells us it's going to take about 3-4hours.

A guy called John then comes up to us, who is from Vancouver, Washington (did you know there was two?!) and starts chatting away. He is very nice, an engineer who is working on the mountainside here in Idaho and is hilarious. We also meet Michelle and Cody. Cody says he is a piano player in a whore house then quickly changes it to a firefighter. We believe neither, although I really hope it is the first one. Michelle works in the restaurant nearby, has two kids and a husband who works away a lot and she must have said some of the best lines of the evening (along with John), including the reason why I don't do white water rafting is because 1, I can't swim and 2, my ass is like lead.

There is lots of talk of white water rafting, which we are contemplating might be a good shout. There are different classes 1-5; 5 being deadly. The barmaid moved from NY to Idaho to go kayaking. She kayaks on the south side. The north side doesn't have a guide and is flocked to by ppl all over the world.

I then have a Bourbon, it tastes good and I'm sure sexy grandad would approve.

When we get home, we get into our swimwear and it is another beautiful starry night. It's hot tub time! We're in bed by 1230am. Up early tomorrow for Stanley and Red Fish. We plan a 9am kick off.

(As an aside, there hasn't been any biting-bottom burns but my stomach is making funny noises).

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