In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day 31 - New York

We get up about the same time and plan our food-day. We will start by having someJewish-American food at a place called 2nd avenue deli. We stop off a few blocks away from the place and walk for about an hour or so, again looking at how the different blocks all have a unique character to them.

When we arrive, we are greeted by a little old man, who is soooo cute! We are taken to our table and immediately given some pickled cabbage and carrots - it's really tasty. We are then served by a lady who reminds me of Lina's mum. When we tell what we'd like, she makes sure we get the best value for our money and that we haven't ordered too much. In the end, we settle for a soup and half a sandwich each.

We both have the matzoh ball soup with 2 kreplach and a sandwich consisting of pastrami, brisket, corned beef and salami. It is massive (pics to follow) but so delicious. The soup is a little bland to start but then gradually gets better. I am sooo full and I think they know that it will feel like this as they give us an alka-seltzer and chocolate shot when we have finished to help with the potential indigestion.

We both think we could do with a nap and so think, why not find another film to watch where we can just sit and digest like snakes! We walk around a bit more trying to find yesterday's cinema but a guy on the street suggests a closer one. We eventually find it, having passed Madison Square Garden (it's a building and I didn't see any garden) and the Empire State Building. The films are not for another two hours so I suggest some alcohol!

We end up going to an Irish pub called Stout that not only has the Man Utd v Chelsea game but also wi-fi and about a million stouts on tap. Win-Win. We stay for the second half and then some and decide to drink at least 6 drinks each a la the World's End but not 12 each...we couoldn't possibly, could we?

I have 2 pints here (although they are actually smaller than pints) and Cash has 3.
We think of a plan - hit the bars with happy hours. So we go to another one and we both have a shot of Honey Jack (honey-infused whisky). It is delightful.

We pay and head to the next place. I have a white sangria and Cash has a red sangria. I am starting to feel quite merry but not very drunk. We walk towards Times Square, having forgotten about the cinema and it is bright, big and brash. We then see a guy selling comedy tickets and after some good bartering, we manage to get 4 tickets for $20 rather than for $80. He tries to sell it to us that Eddie Murphy's best friend in Coming to America will be performing and shows us a picture. It ain't Arsenio Hall so what is he talking about? (Raaaaaaaaaaaac**st)!!

We then realise it's at the same place as we went to the other night but with a different line up. We then go to Stand Up NY again and order 6 bottles Bud and I have 2.5 and Cash 3.5 so we are up to:

Sarah: 6.5 and Cash: 8.5

We get a free shot upon entry called Kamikaze. It tastes like urine and feet and is a little sour.

Sarah: 7.5
Cash: 9.5

The acts were very good with one comedian who was there from the other night recognising us and changing his whole set because we'd seen it. Check him out - Ari Shaffir. After the gig, Cash gets a picture with Ari and has a little man chat with a Belgium guy who is also into MMA and is a fan of Ari and the Joe Rogan Death Squad group. Me and the guy's dad chat away saying we have no idea what they are talking about. Eventually, they stop and we head back home. It is raining at this point but is a warm rain.

We are quite a few stops away and Cash is in desperate need for a wee. On the tube, we discuss getting some Chinese but when we arrive back at our station, we realise that the only Chinese place looks like the food is nasty! So we find a bar instead on the corner of the street. Cash has a wee and we end up staying there for a couple of hours.

We both have a Jack Daniel's shot followed by a shot of rum each. Then we smoke some Starbuzz Blue Mist hookah (shisha), which tasted of blueberry and it is sooo tasty. Cash then sucks too hard and the hookah fun is over.

We then have some Dominican rum. After this one, I am done. Cash has one more - a shot from Colombia (apologies for my spelling Ino) - an aliuente? It's a white liquor and it is potent.

Sarah: 9.5
Cash: 12.5

Cash has completed the World's End challenge. I have completed my own challenge!

We then get a delicious sub from the deli at the end of our street. It is filled with jalopenos and meat and is tasty. I eat half before sleep takes over. I then wake up in the middle of the night, as thirsty as a camel(?) and am debating, in my drunken stupor, whether or not to drink the water from the tap. I do it and I don't even care if it's got bit of sh*t swimming in it. I need it! After an hour or so, I get up and do exactly the same thing again, with exactly the same thoughts.

Tomorrow is our last full day and we still have quite a few sights to see and things to eat!

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