In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Saturday 10 August 2013

Day 14 Salt Lake City part II

So after having that hazelnut robust coffee, it transpires that it makes my wee smell of hazelnut! I did try the vanilla one but that did not do anything. So after a really relaxing morning and early afternoon, during the late afternoon, Cash goes to the gym with UFC on one screen and Joe Rogan on another to use as inspiration as he pumps the iron. I head to the whirlpool, which was nice but nowt special and a lot different from the cabin spa where there was beer and wine and other people. I use the pool as well and manage a couple of lengths before my lungs give out and I just know I'm going to be sore it turns out, I'm ok.

On his tour of the hotel, Cash spots a sign that says we can do some laundry and it's not too expensive. Things to note - the guest laundry room is located in a room marked 'guest laundry room', the hotel's laundry room is marked 'laundry' - there is a BIG difference between the two. I almost shat my pants thinking how am I going to wash my clothes using these massive industrial sized machines, then channelling Columbo, I realised that the machines were spinning away with only white towels and sheets and so worked out that my multi-coloured pants and I were in the wrong laundry room. Found the guest one just round the corner - 75cents for detergent, $1 for washing, $1 for drying and 75 cents for some Bounce drying softener. After a couple of hours, our clothes are clean and fresh for the next portion of the journey...I'll be honest, was getting a little concerned that I'd be either having to wear my granny pants or go commando, and you don't want to be doing either with the heat and bugs around!

Whilst we wait for the clothes to dry, I pop out for an old school traditional cigar, like the cowboys used to smoke, only it's honey flavoured. It was ok, it left a nice taste on your lips but no buzz felt at all. Cash subsequently had to google how do you smoke a cigar properly and what do you look out for. We WERE doing it properly, it was just rubbish! Coming back in from the smoker's bench, we are greeted with free cookies in the lobby and coffee - this is when I have my vanilla flavoured one.

It is then a pretty chilled afternoon. I watch Scary Movie and an episode of True Blood. Cash chills in the business suite. I haven't eaten all day since breakfast and that little cookie but am still SOOOOO full! Although I don't feel very different and my clothes still fit, I am developing a permanent food baby - maybe this year's winter coat will arrive early!

We decide to hit Brewvies - - a brilliant idea and concept that serves food and drink whilst you watch a film in a cinema. F*ck yeah - I love it! We go and see the 1030pm showing of 'We're the Millers' and I would highly recommend it. It is laugh out loud funny with some great lines and scenes! The place itself is kitted out with pool tables and traditional bar area (though they call it a pub) then you get your ticket, order your food and go through the back to the cinema. In the cinema itself, the main difference is you have a little bench to have your food on and non-intrusive lights to see your food. When your food is ready, your number appears on a sort of 'bingo-style' call system (the kind you get in Argos but much cooler and not with a voiceover) and you go out and collect your order. Free refills on soft drinks again!

Cash has Da GodFather Pizza - bacon, ham, beef, jalopenos - 6/10
I have 3 chicken tenders with celery and carrot sticks (meant to be coleslaw but was actually nice to get some fresh food and vitamins) - 6/10. It was tasty and not too heavy for such a late viewing but nothing great.

The film finishes about 1230am and we walk back to the hotel. There are sprinklers everywhere, which explains why the grass is so pretty and green everywhere you go, but it does mean that you get sprinkled on if you walk on the pavement! Cash thought he'd found a safe and dry path but he was highly mistaken! My schadenfreude was on overdrive!

I am still wide awake when I get back so put on old reruns of Full House, a show from mine and Cash's youth. We watch a great 2-parter where they go to Disneyland and there are a bunch of family issues such as middle sibling Stephanie being jealous of her younger sibling (played by Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen) and Danny wanting to propose but never finding the right time (all great stuff), but all gets resolved in the end. I loved it then and I still love it now.

We're off on our epic journey to New Orleans next, stopping in New Mexico for the first part methinks. Hopefully, we'll be able to pick up some wi-fi along the way.

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