In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 27 From Philadelphia back to Washington

Cash got in about 3am and thanks to the lovely Alikins, I went to bed laughing my ass off watching Innuendo Bingo on YouTube. I don't sleep very well and I get up about 7am and check my emails - Thanks for the results update ladies.
Cash gets up about 8am and after a bit of emailing and web surfing, we eventually head out to the Italian market for breakfast (though it's about lunchtime now). We head to Isgro - I have a mascapone cannoli and get a chocolate one to go. Cash has a carrot cake, mascarpone cannoli and an almond nut. It was delicious. I devoured mine before the lady had finished taking Cash's order. Unfortunately, they don't sell coffee so we walk down the road and find a place called Anthony's. The coffee here is goo-ood. Cash gets a panini as well and it is very tasty. The place feels authentically Italian and the photos and features on the walls gives it a homely feel.

Next stop, Washington. We stop off at a department store in New Jersey first as we decide Newark is going to be too much today if we are to make it on time for the comedy show. We get a few bits and pieces and as a consequence of our trip, one of my new favourite stores is Build-A-Bear! As we step out of the car, the heavens open and we are completely drenched. Yay, several hours in the car to follow - canny wait for the damp smell (!)

We leave and Cash has a Tony Lukes' philly cheesesteak in New Jersey - 7.5/10. Thank you for the recommendation Willis!

We get to Washington about half 6pm and after a hullabuloo trying to find parking. Eventually Cash finds one and we are escorted to our seats at the DC Improv on Connecticut Avenue. The show is good. Joey Diaz is hilarious and his favourite swear words are you 'motherfu**ing co*ksucker!' Since then, I can't stop saying it!!
Mid way through the performance, a woman is being overly loud and telling her mates 9as the show is going on), 'we're leaving'. Joey is confused but uses the interruption to his advantage and once she leaves, he gets back to his routine. It finishes about 1030pm and we are buzzing. I wish it was longer. We decide to go see a film but there are NO cinemas open on a Thursday at this time. After about an hour and a half searching, we decide to give up and find somewhere to park up to have a nap.

We end up sleeping on the road and after about 3 hours, a cop knocks on our window and tells us it is illegal to do so. He is very nice about it and advises getting some coffee before setting off to Boston. Cash drives around trying to find a service station and there are none open!! About 5 miles away from the I-95, we happen to come across what looks like a truckers' graveyard with a lovely mirage-style sign saying 'rest area'. We park up amidst the big trucks and thankfully there are other cars too, recline the seats and fall asleep until about 8am in the morning.

We wake up, make up remover face wipe our faces, I put my lenses in and off we go. Boston - here we come!

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