In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 19 - Dallas to New Orleans

What a day folks! What a day...

I try and get up early but it's no use. I am tired from the drinking of the alcohol. Eventually, I decide that 9am is a reasonable hour to get up and have a shower. I then decide to check when we need to return the rental car. It is Florida. I once again put on my Columbo raincoat and figure we can find a rental place here of the same brand and just get it extended, which we do and so it's all good. Cash goes to the gym for about an hour and I re-pack my shizzle ready for the next state - LOUISIANA.

I am still full from Denny's but Cash wants some chicken. So we find the nearest place called Church's chicken and I think to myself, I don't want to have food envy so I order a 6pc boneless chicken wing combo MEAL. I'd give this about 5/10. Whilst tasty, it was very salty.

Cash has a Tex burger, a thigh, some mac and cheese, chips and a drink - 4/10.

At 353pm- we're in Louisiana! I have napped a few times and whilst I thought I was being discreet about it, I have been caught. Cash tells me to put my seat back and recline it, which I do and properly have an hour long nap! It is good!

I wake up and we're on the road for a bit longer when we spot a massive accident. A big RV is on its side and the metal barriers have been crashed into. We stop to help, along with some other people too. Cash helps to clear some of the debris away and I get some water out for the victims. Fortunately, there were no fatalities, just a lot of bruises, cuts and broken vehicle parts. The scariest part was that there was gas leaking out of the RV and a couple of the passengers didn't want to get out of the RV. After a while, the police came and explained that they should get out as that was the safest option. Hopefully they did...

Back on the road and we are 4.5 hours away from New Orleans! We stop at a gas station so Cash can get a coffee and me a milkshake. Cash also decides to get a milkshake. We stop at a place called Eddie's BBQ... and end up leaving having eaten the following:

Ribs, steak, potato, cheesy pasta and bread - 8/10. The potato was excellent!

Boudin x2, dirty rice, cheesy pasta and bread - soooo tasty and filling. I can't breathe! 8/10

The meat was melt-in-yer-mouth gorgeous and the Louisiana style spices are so addictive!! I am writing this at midnight, a good few hours after we stopped and I still am soooo full!!!

We both roll back to the car, in food agony. This must be the definition of the pleasure-pain principle.

We play a couple of car games (thank you Ali) and make it to Tiger to fill up with some more petrol. It reminds me of Mauritius a bit, with the wooden-style houses and the streets.

We make it to the house about 1030pm and it is lovely and cute. Our host has left us welcome messages and instructions and the place itself is beautiful. Photos to follow tomorrow. We have a couple of beers and I have a cigar - I feel like a madam and I love it!!

Tomorrow the plan is to explore the area and find a place called 'Cafe du Monde' which the barman at the comedy club suggested is a must-see, as does my 'eat your way across America' book. Cash is desperate for a po-boy and I want me some shrimp gumbo!

Nite nite...more to report on tomorrow.

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