In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day 32 - New York

I get up about 9am and thank you Ali for doing all my car chores! Hope you enjoy Pocahontas.

I need something cold so after I have showered, I walk down to the local McDonalds and get a bit coke and a coffee for Cash, who is still looking a little worse for wear. We need to head out early today to get our things done. We are meeting Neil and Toby later on for dinner and (on account of yesterday) possibly drinks.

Cash has a shower and is changed but then asks if he could have 5mins to rest his head! Haha!! I feel surprisingly fine compared to the morning of the night after July 11th. Groovers will back me up when I say I was hanging out my arsehole on that Friday morning!

Right, more to write about later on.

We go to Target and return our Sat Nav as it wasn't very 'user friendly' and about 50metres in, Cash says 'I'll be right back'. His brown complexion has turned yellow and I think he has gone to vomit! He comes back clutching his stomach and says something along the lines of 'that wasn't good but I feel better and could do with a curry'

We take a dodgy taxi back home, in which the guy has to wind his seatbelt around the arm rest and there is a massive chopping board in the back! WTF?! We safely arrive home, not before the taxi guy tells us not far from where we live there was a drug-related shooting several years ago.

I have a small pounding behind my right eye...hope it doesn't get worse.
After dropping off our shopping, we head for Grand Central Station. When we get to Penn Station, we ask the customer services where do we find the station and they say it's a few blocks, maybe a 10-15mins walk. Cash looks weary and decides to take the S-Shuttle. We race. I win! F*ck yeah!! The light teal/turquoise coloured mural on the wall is beautiful and the station is a buzz with activity. Nowt like London Paddington at all. I then realise that Cash and I have not decided on a place to meet; he is also thinking the same. I walk up and down a bit and eventually, from his high vantage view, he spots me and we head over to Lexington to get a curry.

We walk into a few places that Cash had previously googled and they look disgusting! But eventually we find a nice place on a corner and it is clean. It's actually nice to have some spice. We get served our curries with naan, dal and rice. Cash has the lamb madras - 7.5/10 and I have a chicken vindaloo - 7.5/10.

We then get a cab to Central Park and have a nap for about 25 mins. Utter bliss!

We then get another cab back home as we need to get ready for this evening's festivities. We have a very brief chill time then I shower and out we go to meet Neil and Toby at Southern Hospitality, Justin Timberlake's restaurant on 9th Avenue and 45th Street.
We stop briefly at the Apple Store to check train tickets for our later day and then not realising how far the resturant actually was down 9th ave, get a cab to meet the guys.

At Southern hospitality - I have the prawn sliders -6/10. Mine three little tasters looked much bigger in the picture but were actually the right size after the lunchtime curry for me. Cash has Beef brisket, cheddar cheese grits, tater tots - 7.5/10.
Neil and Toby then take us to a bar terrace of Ink48 hotel called Print Lounge, which overlooks New York. WOW! It'e like I'm in a movie! What a lovely way to end the holiday. After we are done reminiscing, Cash and I walk down to Broadway and 50th street to get our subway train. There are lots of street vendors and artists and lights! Cash gets a pizza slice. I am stuffed. We get to the subway and must be on the hottest subway train back. Am sweating like a mofo. Cash has rubbed chilli flakes into his face from the pizza and is wincing!

Cash reckons he will get up at 6am tomorrow to get all his stuff done. I don't think he will but we place a wager on it. We get home about an hour later and I fall asleep pretty quickly. We needc to pack and do laundry etc tomorrow before catching our 9pm flight back to the UK!

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