In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Day 30 in NYC

We start the day at about 12pm. I feel rested and good. We head out to Whitman's for a juicy lucy (a burger where the cheeseis baked into the centre of the burger). I ask if he could use a spicy patty and the waiter says he's not sure but he will check. He says they can't use the spicy patty mix but what they can do is lather the 3-chilli combo on top of my burger. YES!! The food comes out and it is amazing and the portion size is just right! I finish it in about 5mins and want it again. I don't though. We finish off our beverages and head out.

Cash: Juicy Lucy with bacon and jalopenos - 8.5/10
Me: Juicy Lucy with spicy chillis on top - 9/10 - The Juicy Lucy was one of the first things I saw on Man vs Food and I'm so glad I have tried it here in NY.

Cash plays a spot of chess in Union Square and loses. The first time, he lost within 60 seconds but the second time, took a little longer. I watch this kid play really fast and he is awesome. He loses though!

We have walked quite a bit today and taken in a lot of the regular NY day. It's Sunday I think so the streets are lined with people with shopping bags and smiling faces. Tomorrow, it's back to work for a lot of them.

We walk around NY scoping the sights and we then head to Gray's Papaya hotdogs - I've wanted to try one ever since watching Fools Rush In with Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek. It is very, very disappointing 3/10 and I reckon that's a generous rating!

We then decide to catch a movie - we go to Regal Cinema just off Union Square. We see Elysium. It's actually pretty good and there are a lot of cinematic similarities to District 9 (same director). Really good.

We then decide to do a double and we see World's End as well after having a quick NY style pizza. I have a white cheese one and Cash has one with bacon and pepperoni. I think I put too much white pepper on mine and have a choking fit in the middle of the restaurant, I make it worse by laughing at myself mid-choke!

World's End is funny and the cinema is pretty packed out with lots of people getting the quirky British humour jokes!

We've seen two and so, think let's do the hat-trick! We decide to see The Butler. Also, a very good choice and some excellent acting performances. I haven't done a cinema trinity for a while and it feels good. I have a hot chocolate and Cash some cinnamon covered almonds and a coffee as our snackettes in the cinema. You can even get a pizza if you want!

We get home about 2am and I fall asleep pretty swiftly!

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