In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 25 - Washington DC

I will write more about today later on (we've just arrived at our AirBnB accommodation and Cash has spotted a bar. I need to get out of my PJs, put my contacts back in and into some jeans)...but I shall leave you with one word: POTBELLY'S.

LATER ON... Washington. I wake up at 745am and as requested, look over to the other bed and poke Cash awake so that he can go to the gym. He remains asleep. I crack on with my dissertation and eventually Cash gets up and heads down to the local Gold's gym.

After we have packed up and checked out of the very studenty-hotel, we leave our bags in the foyer so that we can go sample some food. We pick Potbelly's at the end of the street and it is amazing! It serves sandwiches that have been slightly toasted, packed full of meats, salad and cheese. The decor of the place is a bit Italian according to Cas and I reckon a bit Motown-y. There is a live artist playing some cool jams. He plays the guitar well but his singing is...memorable. He does a rendition of Coldplay's Ruled the World...that is very unique. He is in the zone, eyes closed, feeling the moment. Hilaire to watch but also makes the atmosphere of the restaurant even cooler.

I have an 'Original Wreck' with lettuce, peppers, mayo and a Snapple - 8.5/10

Cash has a Big BLT with extra pepperoni, salami and mayo mustard hot pepper lettuce, onion, tomato, pickle, oil and italian seasoning with chilli beef soup, oyster crackers and crisps with a root beer and refill - 8/10

Both sandwiches taste great - the kind that you regret having to sh*t out later! We stay for a while and when we do leave, it is with a smile on our faces.

Check out their website here:

We then get into an overpriced taxi trip to the airport to pick up our rental car. It takes us about 2 hours plus in total with a lot of serious de-ja-vuing. No one knows where we need to go to get the rental car as it is not actually at the airport but near the airport. We eventually take about a million shuttles and make our way to the shop. Here, we negotiate a good price and pick up a Chrysler. After a brief stop at Target, we are finally on our way to Washington to check out what the capital has to offer. We spend about 3 hours walking round, taking in the monuments. It is a big place and the momuments are grand and picturesque, but boy oh boy, am I going to ache tomorrow. This is probably the most exercise I have had the whole holiday. It does feel good but I didn't stretch.

We get back into our car about 630pm after having to go through security to get into the car park and we jokingly chat about getting another Potbelly's sandwich. Joking turns to reality and we type in the nearest one into our Sat Nav and it's only a couple of miles away. We have another-it is goood! This time I get the chilli too and the Italian sandwich. It again doesn't disappoint...they should definitely get this franchise in the UK!!

Bellies full and top button undone, we drive to Philly. The roads are smaller and the drivers are angrier. It feels like we're driving in a major city like London and it is not what we have been used to, what with the massive roads and lesiurely Sunday drivers of the West and Southern states. We arrive at our AirBnB accommodation at about 10pm and the couple are very friendly. We chat for a bit and they tell us where is good to go for Philly cheesesteaks. There are several places so we are spoilt for choice.

I get into my PJs and plan to do a bit of blogging followed by some Masters work. Cash goes out for a cigarette and then when he comes back in, says he's seen a bar. I can't not go so get changed, contacts back in, perfume spritzed on and we head to a bar at the end of the road called Interstate. It is just like you see in the movies. Everyone sat round the bar and the staff are genuinely friendly. We make friends with the bar maid who gives us a few different tasters to try. After my first pint, which is a fruity and sweet tasty stout-like beverage, I feel rather tipsy but as it is happy hour, we order another. Cash's first one was a rather bitter pale ale. His second is lighter. We both get wasted pretty quickly and then we learn that the beer here is 8%! That explains a lot!

For my second one, I have a Southern Tier plum something and then for my final drink, which the barmaid buys us, I have a dark cider and Cash a gin and soda with st germain. I love mine but the room is beginning to spin. Cash has also had a tequila as recommended by one of the guys sat next to us. Cash is not yet sold on gin but I will learn him that it is the best drink in the world!

We end up leaving the bar about 1am and stumble home. I fall asleep very quickly and wake up thinking I have peed my pants. Luckily, it was just sweat (!) but I did panic thinking how am I going to explain this to our hosts! Plan for tomorrow is to do some sightseeing in Philly.

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