In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Sunday 11 August 2013

Day 15 - On the Road to Durango

Let's start off with a potential overshare - but what does it mean when your poo is red? I shall leave it there.

I finally have my waffle with syrup for breakfast and it was pretty gross. Granted, I did have it from a industrially-produced batch of batter but not very nice and not even sure if the batter was cooked. I give it a generous 2/10. I need to try it again somewhere else.

Cash went to the gym so missed breakfast at the hotel. He chose Denny's instead. For $12.90, he got a short stack of pancakes with bacon inside (that means 2), 2 fried eggs, sausage, bacon, hashbrown, coffee and coke - 7.5/10. Good value and tasty.

We then head off to find Gym Jones for Saj and it is really hidden away. After a few turns and a whole lotta perseverence, we find the place and I walk in to a seminar and then walk out. A lovely lady called Lisa comes out - she owns the place - and we explain that we are on a road trip and my brother asked if I could get him a t-shirt as he is interested in the stuff that they do and I do get one. MISSION: COMPLETED.

We're back on the road and it is quite hot and I am wearing the forecast mentioned something about floods. Two words - sweaty gusset!

After Cash's carb-filled breakfast, the tiredness is hitting him (and me) so we stop at an Arctic Circle, a kind of fast food joint with an astronaut sort of theme. They don't serve coffee but I do get a corn dog. I'm apprehensive but I dig in - It has a beef sausage in the middle and sweet dough on the outside. Sounds like it won't work but it's actually quite nice. I have it with fry sauce - ketchup and mayo - 6/10. I could probably manage a couple more but then I'd feel full.

We are now driving through a road carved in a green mountain and we see a massive lightning bolt. Jeans don't seem so silly now and the sweatiness has subsided. It begins to rain and within moments, the temperature begins to radically drop from 79F outside to 64F within seconds. Eventually, as the rain stops, it climbs back up to 75F.

We are now crossing through what can only be described as Indiana Jones territory. The rocky mountains and canyons are a reddish hue and are naturally carved into weird shapes. This is Utah. It is truly amazing and again, I feel like I'm in a picture. We are low on petrol and stop at the next town/village/hamlet. now THIS is the middle of nowhere. It feels like we have entered a ghost town and are gonna be rifled down but the people are nice and friendly. I pop into the restroom and realise that THIS will in fact be the place I get an STD! I then grab myself a coffee and as I am stirring my half and half, I spill a quarter of it over my feet, the countertop and I can't find any tissues...SH*T. I eventually find some and with a massive 'please don't hurt me' smile, I pay for my coffee and go fill up the tank. Cash spots an awesome antiques shop opposite but unfortunately it is closed. It looked cool though.

As I inspect my feet for blisters, I notice that they are so cut up from wearing flip flops on hot ground. Am going to need about a dozen puce stones on my return! The temperature has gone back up to the 83F and the good idea/bad idea jeans quandary is back on the table.

We continue our drive through national parks and canyons: amazing, gorgeous and mind-blowing. We stop in Maob and the first place we see to get a quick bite to eat is a Burger King. I have a Chicken Royale and have indigestion for the rest of the journey, having wolfed it down way too quickly! Cash has a double stack burger.

We've just seen a sign for Colorado River, our next state! After we leave the red-tinted rocky mountains and canyons, we enter a more green, humid and desolate area. We search for a hotel and after a few tours of Durango, we find a place called the General Palmer Hotel. This place is very old fashioned. I feel like I've stepped onto the set of Downton Abbey. It is very pretty. It also feels like a fancy train from the days of yore and so when we are told we are staying in the Palace Suite, we are most excited, but it turns out the Palace Suite is for the poorer folk. It is still lovely though and has some authentic ornate features from the high beds, an old chair in the corner, a vanity table and old floral wallpaper. It also feels a little haunted - I could imagine Most Haunted having an episode set in this room. The bed is opposite a mirror and I am making myself feel scared! Will upload some photos soon. What is super fun though is that we can have our breakfast delivered to our room in the morning.

Cash is a little hungry and heads out to have a look around Durango. He comes back with chilli cheese fries and a Durango Dawg (hot dog) complete with poppy seed bread, coleslaw and bacon - 7/10.

Trivia about Durango:
City Slickers was filmed here.
It hosted the first ever world mountain bike competition.
It has a population of 16,000.

We managed to listen to 2.5 Joe Rogan podcasts today and have a 3.5 hour trip tomorrow to our next place.

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