In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Sunday 4 August 2013

Day 7 - San Francisco

From Kettleman City (may have called this something else yesterday) motel to San Fran. Between us, we woke up dehydrated and with the shits (just to clarify, I was thirsty). Had a couple glasses of orange juice and some coffee then headed straight out. On one side, there were wine vines and mountains, and on the other, wine vines and cows! Never seen so many cows in my life! The smell of methane is strong!!! There must be a million plus here - pretty much McDonalds' supply for a day! It is 80F (26C) - feels pretty cold but is quite nice being in the car with this level of heat. 100+ is quite tough! So we're thinking maybe some live music tonight once we arrive. It's lunchtime and we are in need of petrol - Taco bell - beef burrito supreme meal with nacho cheese flavour doritos and a lemon and lime drink-6/10. A bit flavourless although the actual burrito wrap was thicker and had a good texture. A bit cold too. Salad 75% 25% meat. Flip that equation mofo. This is what I had. Cash had the Cantina double steak quesdilla and root beer with nachos - 5/10. Flavourless. Root beer smells of tiger balm. Bland. We have finally made it to the San Francisco area. In search of the golden gate bridge. Eta: 208pm. We go over the Bay Bridge - costs up 5 dollars in toll charges but we have gone onto a bridge over water. 130pm 65degrees. Cash is sh*tting his pants as he is not a fan of heights. In general, San Fran is much more built up and colder. It is full of bridges and water. As we drive through the area, I look down. I shaved my legs this morning but must've left the plastic shield on cos they're still stubbly as fuck! Can states make your hair grow faster? We finally arrive at the Golden Gate Bridge was beautiful. Fans of the old sitcom Full House would be in awe! It is beautiful!!! Majestic, amazing and magnifique! These guys can build shit!! Must say we did have a coffee incident. Cash had put his coffee on the roof of the car and must've accidentally knocked it and it spilled over the windscreen. I thought a seagull had shat itself inside out! Luckily, Cash has the reflexes of a cat and was abloe to swat it away before it ruined the car. We look for a place to stay for the night only to discover that it is currently San Francisco's busiest time of the year. After much wifi and hotel searching, we find an American Value Inn room off Lombard Street. It is a room off the car park and it is tiny with a massive fridge and pretty modern microwave. We are told about a cool food festival called Off the grid, which is on every Friday for about 6monthss. I have the Spicy beef kothi roll - 6.5/10. Spicy and tasty but very greasy. I'm worried about my rectum! Cash has the Spare ribs - 8/10. Not sticky, moist and tasty. Came off the bone and was delish! After this, we head back to the room, where we watch Wanderlust. Hilarious scene with Paul Rudd pscyhing himself up in the mirror - you must watch and laugh!! Tomorrow, we must find a new place to stay in San Francisco!

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