In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Friday 16 August 2013

Day 21 Friday in New Orleans

I have just woken up and looked at my phone - it's midday and it feels good to have had a lie-in. As recommended to us by the Australian couple, it's best to conserve your energy in the day and chill at home then hit the town hard in the evening. I wash some clothes and have a shower - one thing about the showers here is they've all been the kind I don't like - ones with immovable heads and so I'm having to do handstands in the shower just to wash my undercarriage! But I think I'm getting the hang of it so that's ok.

More to follow later...

We head over to R&Os, where apparently one of the best po-boys are served.
I have the:
Seafood gumbo - 7/10 followed by the Shrimp poboy - 6/10

Cash orders: Onionrings - 6/10Sarah and 7.5/10Cash - good and lots. It is practically a meal; Shrimp poboy - 7.5/10; R&O special beef and ham - 8/10Sarah 7.5/10Cash and finally, he has the Banana Cream pie, which he quotes as 'the best pie I've ever had'-9/10

R&Os was ok for me but Cash banana creamed his pants. I am currently in my first food baby trimester; Cash is in his second. The standard portions here are massive and it does get a bit heavy going at times, especially, when it's near enough breakfast time and they serve you a Christmas-dinner-size helping!

We then drive down to just off Dectaur Street and go for a walk whilst we wait for for The Spotted Cat to open (not open til 4pm). We realise that we are not very far from where we were yesterday and yet the surroundings look completely different. There is a distinct vibe here that is different to Bourbon Street. We continue on forwards and pop into a chilli shop. We try the hottest chilli in the universe (even says so on the bottle) - We have to sign a waiver before we can even try it. We try a tiny bit on a cracker. burns and it keeps getting hotter but it's ok. I go deaf for a minute or so (I'm seriously coming round to the idea that the deafer I go, the better/spicier the chilli) and Cash gets an instant sweat on. There is another lady who tries it and she also goes a bit deaf. Then her little brother wants to try it and after signing the waiver, he does. His reaction - he runs round round the shop twice with a grimace on his face! Hilarious!!

It's nearing 4 o'clock so we head over to The Spotted Cat - thanks for the recommendation Lina -
Andy Forest plays the blues with a couple of guitars and a harmonica. It's a lovely way to spend the afternoon. We have some whisky and our fancy cigars. There are only about 6 people in the bar and everyone is enjoying an iced cold drink and some tunes. There is a nice chilled atmosphere. We then have a brief look at the market and head home to drop off the car. We plan to get the street car back into town. We walk down and are planning to go to Preservation Hall but after asking someone, he recommends the Maison Bourbon - fuck yeah! Just what I wanted!! There is live jazz and it's foot-tapping, finger-clicking good! I have several Gin and Tonics and buy a CD - Phil Campo and the Loose Change Band.Cash has some whiskies followed by a mango daiquiri and buys a CD too - this time of Jamil Sharif. This is exactly the kind of bar I wanted to be in when I came to New Orleans. It's maginificent! I chat to a lovely couple whose son is a jazz drummer. They are from Albany, New York. The drummer for Jamil Sharif's band looks exactly like Zac Efron and is only 27 but boy, can he drum! I'm in awe and I could honestly live here. I love it.

3 G&T's in, I'm hungry...well, peckish. We plan to head back down to the Spotted Cat but first we stop off for some seafood at a place called 'Oysters on the half shell'

Oysters - 7.5/10
Gumbo - 7.5/10
Bacon mac and cheese - 7/10

The food is tasty, succulent and the portions are sensible!

We go to a late night art market - beautifully arty and cultural. Reminds me a bit of Camden. It is right next door to the Spotted Cat. We stay for a bit - it is much crowded now - then get a cab. The taxi driver tells us his life story and charges us a dollar extra to listen! It was one of those awkward moments where I'm thinking, turn off the tab when you reach our house then you can continue to chat, don't leave it running!!

We have an early start tomorrow but neeed to find some fried chicken first - we're off to Orlando, which is about 10 hours away!

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