In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Sunday 4 August 2013

Day 8 - Mission in San Francisco

We start off the day with me attempting to wash my hair. I can't dry it! It's gone curly and big. Luckily, I can wear a hat in an attempt to reduce the girth! We check out and head to Mels diner on lombard street. It's open 24 hours and is your classic American diner, complete with coffee refills and mini jukeboxes. Cash had 3 sliders (beef, turkey and goats cheese and short rib) with a root beer float, pancake with bacon and syrup with fries -8/10 I had a San Francisco hot dog with fries - 7/10. Tasty but holy mother, very greasy. I am concerned (once again) that my bowels are gonna drop and I will have absolutely no warning...we shall see! Mels Diner does have free wifi so we email round a few places to stay tonight. We may have found a flat in Mission, awaiting confirmation. Confirmed-Liev - absolutely awesome place. Business downstairs, room upstairs, near everywhere you wanna go. Cool guy who is going to be going on Shark tank (which is a bit like Dragon's Den). His company is called Boombotix and is fricking awesome. The place is arty, cool and awesome! Cash needs to wash some clothes, as there isn't a Walmart nearby for him to buy new clothes. We find one off 22nd street. Whilst his clothes are drying, we reckon the best way to spend the afternoon is to drink. We head to a place called Balancoire and are served by a lovely lady called Maria. I have a modelo especial cerveza and Cash a Guiness. We are then convinced to try out the mimosas(fancy name for a bucks fizz). We have a mango version and within a few minutes, the bubbles have gone to our heads. We chat, we drink and we get tipsy. We then remember the clothes in the dryer. We pick them up and head back to the apartment. The weather has cleared up, and it's feeling much warmer. Really cool and trendy place. Might go to a party later and/or park. It is a really cool place here in Mission. There are murals, mix of peeps and a quietly cool buzz, plus a heavy Latino influence. We are back home and I THINK Cash is having a nap or philosophy ponderation with his eyes closed. We're off out in a bit... We head out to Delores Park as recommended to us by our new host. It is brilliant here. Lots of people around, families, friends and booty shaking dancers. It has a very free-spirited vibe. Movie night, for free on a huge inflatable screen showing the Princess Bride. Didn't stay, we were absolutely starving. I had a slice of mushroom pizza that is reheated and re-crispified in the oven and Cash had some chicken from popeye chicken. Food was DEVOURED! Damn good chicken! I awake at about 11am and feel particularly rested. Off we go to Idaho! Pizza - 8/10 Chicken - 7.5/10

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