In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Friday 9 August 2013

Day 12 - Red Fish, Stanley

We get up early and head out on the road to Stanley, with Cash behind the wheel. It is pretty much a straight road to the beautiful and picturesque location. We stop at a petrol station and Henry gets a huckleberry shake. We are still unsure what huckleberry actually is.

We stop in Stanley, which has a population of 62! We pop into the visitors' office and get some info as to how far Red Fish is. We are told we are a few miles out and it is in no way 3 hours away like our drunken old guy friend told us the night before...We may have taken a wrong turn so we stop a random lady on road to ask for directions - we turned left when we should've turned right. She is brilliant from Chicago and stops to have a good ol' chat. Best lines - 'Either way we both win...I love America, I love this country but I'm not crazy about the management'. She asks us where we are from and we say England, to which she says: "I thought it was an act -a bit of British bravado". She is awesome!!

We arrive at Red Fish. It is absolutely lovely, like being in a postcard. Mazza and Spence jump straight in and swim to a wooden launch pad in the middle. I dip in then come and sunbathe. Cashh says he's off to get a kayak.

Henry, Maria and I are on the beach and we see someone driving a motor boat towards the beach. Maria asks, 'where's Cash?' I say, 'he's gone to get a kayak...' We then realise that it is in fact Cash who has the motorboat! In true James Bond style, he rocks up, waves to us and we make our way (in a not so elegant way) to the boat. We try and jump on to the boat and after several attempts, I am on but only once I am sure I have exposed my nethers to poor onlookers. Henry and Maria decide to swim to the wooden bit (can't for the life of me think of the proper word for this - will text Ali as she's bound to know) and get on the boat from there.

We go on a tour around the lake and in true McGyver style, we moor up by some rocks, with Cash using his shoelaces as a rope. Here, we enjoy some trail mix, Lays potato chips and peanuts and look at others jumping off the rocks into the sea. Henry and I have a go at driving the boat - it is awesome. I reckon I'd like to be does Maria and we work out whether we could start a school here...we have sociology/criminology, catering, English and Media sorted!

Ali has just texted back - that wooden thing is called a jetty!

We spend an hour touring around and see water-skiers, paddle boateres, banana boaters, jet-skiers. We get back to the beach and smell a BBQ. Man, it smells go-ooood! We chill for a bit at the Red Fish Lodge and M and S go back into the sea. I head back to the car to get some cards and on my return, I see a deer about 5metres in front of me. We then see a little chipmunk, he looks exactly like one from Chip N Dale - Rescue Rangers! Cash and I play some cards. We then all have some dinner.

Maria - chips and coleslaw. Good temp, quantity, mega! 8/10
Spence - chicken strips and chips - 6.5/10
Cash - pulled pork burger with chips - 5/10
Sarah - pulled pork burger - 8/10. Tasty MF

There will be some live music at 6-8pm tonight. Victor and Penny are an antique pop group and are brilliant! We have a little chat with them and enjoy some beer and wine. It then starts to rain a little and we head off back to the cabin, where we plan to drink whatever's open in the cabin. But first a bit of sing-a-long tunes. We reminisce about the hits of the early 90s, with acts such as A1 and Let Loose, followed by Haddaway and of course, Enigma...#eyyyyy, eeyy, ooh,'s the return to innocence#

Henry's DJ-ing skills are good. Highlights include:
Enigma - return to innocence
E17 - steam
Enigma - silence
Haddaway - what is love?
Let Loose - Crazy for you

We pull up to the cabin with Finlay Quaye's 'Your love gets sweeter'. We chill for a bit and then about 11pm, we get into the hot tub, where we stay until 4am in the morning. There is a rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, off the back of which there is talk of starting a band. We put the world to right and it is only when the beer is finished, including the warm stash we both have in our cars that we decide sleep is next on the cards. It is only after I have showered and lie on the bed, that I realise I am very drunk indeed.

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