In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 17 ABQ to OKC

With the best intentions, Cash does not make it up for MMA training at a local gym. It is freezing! That is because we left the A/C on all night! I get up and have a shower. This morning, it works properly and there is no panic...unlike last night, when I'd already stripped down and was trying to put it on and it wouldn't come on!! Think of that scene in Friends with Ross and the lotion. I then need to get re-dressed and ask for help and Cash manages to make it work, although his first reaction is "oh f*ck no shower!" Neither of us knows what he did to make it work but it does! Yay!!

So anywyas, we are both up, check out and on the way, stop off at Cheesecake Factory (not to be confused with THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY). This is the original and is right here in ABQ. I order a combo meal, which comes with 1/2 corned beef sandwich on a hand roll and spicy chicken and brocoli soup - 9/10. OH MY GOODNESS, it is delicious - tasty, spicy, meaty, homely, soft - amazing!!

Cash orders a Special Italian sandwich with added pastrami plus coleslaw. The workers like the combo Cash has chosen and we can hear them talk about it as they place the order. 7.5/10. Cash likes his too but thinks the coleslaw lets it down. We both agree this place has served the best thing in ABQ!

We then jump in the car and make our way to OKC. On the road, Cash spots a kitten on the middle of a busy highway so naturally stops the car mid-road and goes out to save it. Unfortunately, the kitten takes a few short breaths before it dies. Cash leaves it by the police station and walks back to the car. He is sad but he has done a good deed. We now head to Jackson's Gym, another MMA place before heading to OKC. Cash spots a few athletes he recognises and gets to meet the owner, Greg Jackson and stands in awe. I look at the photos and it does look pretty cool and hard core!

We head out and will be crossing three states today-NM, Texas and OK. 528+ miles across I-40 and parts of route 66. Hoping for steak tonight.

It is overcast today but still quite high - 66F at the moment.
We play a few car games (thank you Ali for the others, that should help us during the trip to New Orleans): city centres then famous people names followed by some old skool wipeout. I will 6/9 games of this. Cash does win the last round by naming 6 UFC fighters. We are running low on gas and spot a sign that has bullet holes in the metal. We make a hasty reversing manoeuvre and go back to the interstate.

Eventually we find one - Cash gets a soft drink and I get a premium blend coffee with a shot of amaretto flavoured cream. It's not as good as the hazelnut but it's ok and the coffee tastes strong! We also try an almond snickers-3/10 for both. Too much nougat and no taste! UGH!!! Dis-appointed!

After a few hours, we are in Texas. We've left the land of enchantment. It is raining fairly heavily but it's still 69F! After about an hour or two, we're in Oklahoma - 73F. 647pm central time.

There are lots of lightning strikes against a dark, grey sky. The car is swaying from side to side and we are still 90mins away from hotel. Thinking of having steak tonight

We have a mini moment involving the cops but it's all good and was pretty cool, even though my pants were royally soiled! We pop into Target for a wee and then decide to get dinner before checking in to the hotel. We decide to go to Cattlemen's, which has both a smoking and non-smoking room. We try the smoking room and it's actually ok, doesn't smell of smoke and is very cowboy-like. Cattleman's is written in my food book as a must-go to! Cash has a Tbone with fries, salad and house dressing and double duce beer plus an apple pie and ice cream - 8.5/10.

I have a beef filet - for some one with small appetite - but it is rather large, with mashed potatoes and a glass of 'interesing' wine - a merlot. That's what they call it, I call it amazing! I follow the main with a peach cobbler and ice cream - 8.5/10
Gary our waiter, who was lovely and reminded of a character from Family Guy, ends up feeding me my peach cobbler!

We head outside and I think Cash is taking photos but no, it is the start of a mama-sized lightning storm!! We head back to the hotel and hope that we have a room with a big window. I am desperate for shower having been in the car for 8+ hours and need to charge my phone. Cash does some research on what to do in a storm situation in Oklahoma - do not shower, do not plug in appliances and do not stay by windows! Ooops! We watch a couple of episodes of something on TV. Dallas, TX tomorrow!

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