In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Monday 12 August 2013

Day 16 Leaving Durango for ABQ

We are woken by a gentle knock on the door from the women who are delivering our room service breakfast. The food is served on old skool trays and with all the expected crockery. The actual food itself is standard and a little lukewarm, a joint 4/10 is awarded.

I jump in the shower and decide to use the citron body wash, followed by the free ginseng lotion - I think I smell like an older lady...classy but older. I then decide that this is what Maggie Smith would smell like and so I decide to roll with me.

Whilst Cash gets ready, I go for a walk round the Durango block - it's a mix of Old wWst and Native American stuff. There's even an old steam train. The houses are wooden and tin and that kinda terracotta colour. It's cute and quaint...I am then distracted from the pretty view by a muffler shop. Speaking of which, I have also seen lots of places with lube too (to do with cars or something...I think).

We leave about 1030am-ish and enter a fair few of reservations/Native American land - there no shops, a few horses for sale, and it makes you understand that they are genuinely living off the fat of the land (speaking of which, Google 'fat found in Kingston sewer' - gross). There is just an endless view of land. We spot a few caravans and trailers but it is mainly land and sky that provides the backdrop of today's road trip.

As resident Hyandai DJ, I decide that some mid-millenium classics should start our entering of New Mexico - the Land of Enchantment: A little bit of The Kooks, Kate Nash, the Hoosiers, Jack Penate and Paulo Nutini provide the score.

We have now just entered Cuba (I think it's a different one to the island!) We arrive in Albuquerque (thanks Ali for reminding me that this is why BBad is set. It is the final episode ever tonight on American TV so I am doing my best to ignore the entertainment channels tonight) at about 230pm and check in. After a bit of chilling, we decide to head to Frontier's Restaurant as featured on Man v Food. On first look, the place is massive. It is also opposite a university and so you understand why. We both order the Fiesta burger and then Cash gets nachos and I get a bean soup as an accompaniment. The food arrives and looks good...that's pretty much where the positives end.

Fiesta burger - green chile, cheddar cheese, onion and lettuce. 3.5/10-Cash; 3/10-Sarah. I am well disappointed. No flavour, no spice, below par!
Nachos with cheese and jalapenos-would be nice if more of them - 6/10
Bean soup - 7/10

We come out of the establishment disappointed and despondant. So, naturally, we decide to head to another venue that was featured on the show - Sadie's. This is home to award-winning tacos and sopapillas as well as biggest ever one too. We reckon maybe just some dessert at Sadie's. We arrive and it is also massive with a quirky sense of humour and wall-to-wall furnishings. Dessert is not enough, we decide to have another meal. We should have read the small print, the portions are crazy-fu*k massive!!

We get Nachos and salsa as well as two fairly big sweet sopapilla with honey for dessert for free. We didn't know this was going to happen and was given to us after we'd ordered. Cash has the Beef brisket Sopapilla, guacamole and a taco - 7.5/10

I have the green chile with bean - spicy, tasty but oh so filling - 8/10

2x Happy Campers beer

OH MY GOODNESS...Cash sees his sopopilla and wonders if the 'server' has made a mistake, just a potion to cure world hunger!!The food is tasty but the portions...will post up some photos soon.

After we waddle out of the place, we sit in the car for a bit. Cash looks like he might pass out and I've never had a food baby as big as this! I feel like a snake who has just eaten a wallabymulabingbong! #OMG what was I thinking? I need to lie down! We notice that everyone walks out with a takeaway box but that little observation does nothing to ease the pain.

We visit an MMA gym, where Cash may do a class tomorrow. I book our next hotel and ask about a potential comedy night in the area. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like anyone is performing tonight. We play some 'rummy' and 's*ithead' and just for today, Cash wins 4/7 games...but it ain't over yet.

It has been several hours since I ate and the food baby is still there...oh dear!

I end today thinking that I don't really trust Adam's recommendations anymore. So far, the majority of places and dishes that he has suggested have been quite mediocre...Hopefully, it'll get better or we might need to go off the beaten track as that has been when we've been most happy with our meals...we shall see.

Just seen an advert for WaxVac to prevent you using cotton buds. You put it in your ear and it hoovers up your wax. I shall leave you all with that.

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