In the summer of 2013, Cash and I will be travelling across the American states in search of culinary challenges. Between us, we aim to win plenty o' T-Shirts and have our names blazoned upon the walls of fame. From now until then, we need to book our tickets, work out a route and indulge in some pre-arrival challenges here. Luckily, one of us has a food outlet of their own, where new and exciting recipes are always being invented and one of us has a stomach of steel ready for the spicy ones. We shall be updating this blog with our home and away conquests and triumphs, as well as stories of food babies, food contractions and food comas!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 23 Orlando

At midnight the night before, we arrive at our location from Air BnB in Orlando. It's in a lovely residential area and I reckon it's where the folks with the dollar-dollar bills live. I don't have much time to look around properly but from the entrance to the room upstairs, it's like a scene from MTV's cribs - absolutely lovely!

We watch a couple of episodes of Family Guy and then I fall asleep - tomorrow, I have to finish off my dissertation and it is with pure dread that I go to sleep, but I do fall asleep pretty quickly!

I awake by the sound of a barking dog and sh*t my pants. Is it in the room?? Luckily, it's downstairs but it sounds big. I have only ventured to the bathroom...on my tip seems to have quieten down.

Congratulations to Gavin and Prachi on your wedding today and thanks for the photos, Roshu. Everyone looks beautiful and it looks like an amazing venue. Will be thinking of you all today!

We head over to our next accommodation in a bit and that is where I will be holed up for the rest of the day writing my conclusion and re-writing sections of this beast! Wish me luck!

We plan to leave here about 11am-ish to go and get some food. We stop off for sushi - Jacky, you would've loved it - massive portions and pretty tasty too!

We start off with some miso soup and then then I have sushi - 8 pieces of California roll and 8 pieces of spicy tuna- 6/10

Cash has the Chicken and vegetable tempura and then the spicy tuna and shrimp tempura sushi rolls - 6/10

We head over to the Days Inn, our accommodation for the day/night and I sit down at the big foak (faux oak) table ready to crack on with this mutha of an essay. I alternate between working on the computer in the 'business suite' (this comprises of one desktop and a printer) and my little netbook. The coffee and mini walks are doing me good (in terms of exercise, dunno about the actual essay).

Cash goes on a little window-shopping tour of Orlando and after a meal at McDonalds and a downpour of 'slarting' propotions, is back. He says he might go see Wolverine and I figure it's kinda about what my essay is on (it is, I swear) so we head over to the IMAX (just a fancy Vue cinema). It is still peeing it down when we get into the car - it's fun but scary at the same time.

When we arrive, I have a hotdog and a drink, which is the size of my torso. Cash has some mini hot dog sliders and salty popcorn. The film is really good. On the radio, there is a song with the lyrics: 'Tequlia makes her clot fall off on the radio' - you should check it out. I'm starting to really love country music. Speaking of which, there is another, that I swear is about fellatio but need a second opinion - it's called 'All over the road' by Corbin Easton. Is it just me??

We get back about 1230am and the short blissful time out comes crashing down when I realise I've only got a couple of hours of sleep before I need to wake up and weitre some more...Oh I need to pack my suitcase and bag as we fly to Washington tomorrow!

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